Hoadly - BX5136 H6

100 The Reafonablene f r yet remain a good Chriüian. In the third place, a prefcription is :laid down, You (ball receive it at the fame. time with thofe others, tho' you efleem them fihif matical, and diforderly ; and the penal- ty here is No Communion. Now, tho' it be neceffary to fet forre time when the people fhould meet their Minifler, yet we cannot fay it is any more neceffary that all thould come at one time, than that all fhould receive in one poflure ; nor do I fee that this difference of time can poffibly be the occafon of greater breaches and fchifrs, than a difference of behaviour at the fame time : nay, I be- lieve there may be better reafons found out for admitting companies, on fome occafions, at difiinet times, than for ad- mitting different geflures at the fame time. And, I pray, what great breach, orfchifm, can we fuppofe would have been made, had he admitted this Gentleman, and his Family, at one hour to the Communion, and the others at another ? What great fchifm, I fay, more than was amongfi themalready ? Their opinions and hearts were as different already as they could be ; and there was no hopes of their com- municating together , without greater occafon