Hoadly - BX5136 H6

of CONFORMITY. 113 be ufedof perfons of whom we hadn t the lean reafon to hope well ; yet words, As our hope is this our Brother doth,, in the laic Collect, can in no fenfe be ap- plied to fuch. It muít, therefore, beown- ed, and it is too plain to be denied, that in fuch cafes as you mention, of men cut offin themidji ofnotoriousfins, Drunkennefs If M Adultery, urther, &c. this1 f ce is wholy it improper : and fure, we need not doubt but that at length fome regard will be had to the repeated defires of many of the ben Defenders of the Church ; and this ground of objection againíi it wholy removed. In the mean while, I have fomewhat farther to offer to you. Only before I do that, I muff take fome notice of two things which I think unreafonable in your management of this Head ofaccufation. r. In that fentence, God bath taken the Soul of our departed Brother to himfelf; youwill interpret thole words, to himfelf, as ifthey certainly fig- nified, to happinefs ; when they are ca- pable of another fenfe 5 and a fenfe that is juihflable by what Solomon faith of Ecc! as. 7. Death with refpeh to all men. Then (hall the duff return to the earth as is was and the fpirit Pall return unto God Who gave