Hoadly - BX5136 H6

x 5 2 The Reafonablenefs municate, and abfolve, 6c. I need only mention this. For I have before (hewn that there is nothing promiíèd in this Oath but an Obedience to the Future Com- mands ofoneparticular Governour, limited only to fuck things as you your felf judge to be lawful: and therefore need not go over all your fad and unjuft aggravations of this. Employ all your art and Rheto- rick to make this as foul as you would have it appear; Call it bywhat names you pleafe I fee not how it touches the mat- ter before us; for, Let the Cafe be never fobad, and your reprefentation ofit never fo true (which indeed it is not) this Oath obligeth you to no obedience but what you your felf[hall think lawful. It binds you not to aCt blindfold; or to overthrow the Pafloral office; or to approveof facrilegious prophanejs; or to trill your confidences with Lay-men ; or tobe the inflruments ofmolefi- ing, worrying, and ruiningas ReligiousPer- fons as any inyour Parifhes ; but only to obey your Bijhop in all lawful things. Look over thefe paffages again; and. fee with what Confcience you can thus repréfent either this Oath, or the promiCe of Obedi- ence to the Ordinary; both of which can ;elate to nothing but the Future Con`- marc