Hoadly - BX5136 H6

56 The Kieafonablenefs Oath, unlefsas theybecome theCommands of hisBithop ; nor then, any abfolute Obe- dience. Not by this Oath, I fay, and that is what we are now confidering. But I add, that whoever defigns to officiate as a Minifier in any Church, certainly aás not fairly and honeíily, if he do not firft fatisfie his Confcience about the lawful- nefs of Obedience to fuch Rules andPre- fcriptions as have been Iaid down and agreed upon by the Governours of this Church, for the regulating the Behaviourof all who miniíier in it ; and refolve to . obey them. But then the Rides and Pre- fcriptions he is to fatisfie himfelfabout can be only fuch as concern his own Beha- viour and Conduft in his Office : And of thefe only fuch as he fuppofed by the prefent Governours of the Church to be ob- liged and ready to obey. For it is very , plain, that I am concerned only in the Prefent Time ; and obliged to Obedience to no Rules but thofe to which Obedience is now required thofe which are not, of eemed tobe obligatory. Concerning the Canons therefore againft which you obje& (thofe, I mean,which concern the Conduct of Minfilers) I ask, Are they not fuch as are altered and repealed by any fubfe- quent