Hoadly - BX5136 H6

The Contents. The Secondof the Scrupled Terms of Miníf%erial Conformi- ty , propofed, viz. The Declaration of Affent and Confent, and theSubfcription, p 29° An Obj. from the Comprehenfivenefs of the required De- claration anfwer'd from p. 30. top. 36. That this Affent, and Confent, can be only to the Vfe of the Common- Prayer-Book, proved I. From the exprefs Words of the Aft ofParl. IN 3.6 37. z. From the Authority of Dr. Bates, and other Noncon- formifís p 38. 3. From the Form of Law- Deeds, and Publick Declarati- ons P. 39 Of the Subfcription required P. 41, 42. The Principal ObjeEtions of the DifJenting Minifters a- gainft this Declaration and Subfcription. E. Obj. taken from the Do$ine of real Baptifmal Regenerati- on, and certain Salvation consequent thereupon, implied in the Office of Baptifm, and the kubrick following it. from p. 44,10 P. 5 2. II. Obj. taken from the Vfeof Godfathers and God- mothers in Baptifm, to the Exclufton of Parents.from p. 52, to p. 56. III. IV. V. Obj. taken from the Irnpo6tions, viz. the requiring Sponfours, and the Vfe of the Crofs at Baptifm, and Kneeling at the Communion, propofed 'p 56. An Anfwer to their ObjeEtions againft the Vfe of the Crofs, premiled p. 57. I. Obj. againft it, viz. The Mifienderftandings of the Vulgar and Injudicious P. 58° 2. Obj. that it looks as if Baptifm were not complete without it p. 59. 3. Obj. That it feemeth a new Sacrament p. 6o. 4. Obj. Becaufe the Papifts ufe it after a fuperflitious Manner p. 64. Of the impofing Sponfours, the Crofs , and Kneeling, and the