The Contents. nifhrs are engaged, viz. the preffing a farther Refor- mation, anfwered in 5 Particulars. p. 92. r. That they may Conform, and yet not forfake this Caufe. p. 94 s. That they 'communicate with Churches which need a farther Deformation as much. P. 97. 3. That to feparate in order to this End, is not a defen- fible Thing. p. 103. Some of the Confequences and Circumfiances of Separa. tion and Conformity compared, and an Argument drawn from thence. p. 106, to I17. 4. That this Separation, and their Behaviour in it, is not a likely way to obtain a farther Deformation. p. I 17, to 132. 5. That this Argument will make Separation always ne- cefrary. p. 132, to 139. A ofthe Anfwer to this Arg. p. 139, to a 142. 4: Arg. taken from the Duty of the Difrenting Miniflers. p. 142, to 147. 5. Arg. taken from their Right to chufe their own Paflors, anfwered in 5 Particulars. r. That this Right may, according to themfelves, be re- ceded from, upon Tome Confiderations; and that there are fuífcient Con/iderations in the E/lablifhment. p. 148, to 151. 2. That in thole Parifhes where this Right is continued, there are more Diforders, and more Diffenters, than in others. P. 151 3. That the Conflitution cannot be fo ordered, that every Chriflian I11a11 be under the Pallor He likes beí{. p. 153- 4. That Mr. Baxter's Direâions to his People, do im- ply, that they ought not to put this Dight_in pradlice, but upon fomeConfiderations only. p. 156. 5. Thai: the Par loners in a Pari/h where there is an x1ngttalifieti