Hoadly - BX5136 H6

of CONFORMITY. we are obliged to feek Ordination ratherfrom an Ecclefiaflical Officer than from a Magi- firate, 6-c.. is, becaufe God bath appointed himfor orderfake, and toprevent Intrufions and Abufes ; fo we argue, that the Reafon why we are obliged to feek Ordination from a Bifhop, rather than from Presby- ters without a Bifhop, is becaufe God hash appointed Him for order fake, and to pre- vent Intrufions and ilbufes ; And becaufe thegoing out of this fetled way, tho' it be into another whichpofliblymight pre- vent Intrufions and Abufes as well, were it the fetled way, gives too much encou- ragement and too much room for Intru- fions and Abufes. As we think withMr. Baxter that Necefty only can anfwer for the irregularity of Ordination; fo we'think that where there is ñoneceflïty, or when this neceffity ceafes, God gives noencourage ment to fuch deviations, and a Regular Ordination is tobe fought for. That, there- fore, it is not thefolemnity ofthe work, the care taken, the ßtnefs ofthe Perfon, thefaflo ing and Prayer, that can excufe the negleE of this, or be accounted fufficient with- out this becaufe this is the method de- liver'd down to us from the Apofrles times, and the departing from.this tends B 4 to Iidó