Hoadly - BX5136 H6

+!2 Ái The ,Reafonablenefs regular Ordination.But when that neceffaty ceas'd, wedar'd no more acknowledge an authority founded only upon a cafe ofne- ceffity,without a.regular Commiljion, when it might be had, than we dare acknow@ ledg him to be truly the King's Vicegerent, who, becaufe, in cafe ofabfolute neceffïty, hehad thecommandofacountry without a regular Lomijfîon, therefore when hecan have this regular Commiìon,refufes to take it. Thofe of you who have fince the re- effablifhment ofEpifcopasy refus'd either to conform as Laymen, or to enter into the Min ffry at this Door ; after our moft fe- rious confideration, we cannot but judge to have put an open, and vifible neglea. upon Regular Ordination, without an ap- parent neceffìty ; giving occafion by this means to more grievous Irregularities. And, therefore, tho' we thinkyour Ani- ons valid, through the mercy of God, to Konen and well-meaning People ; yet we dare not fay that God approves your Or- dination in away we take to be irregular; nor can we content by our anions to give encouragement to fuch Doarins as this, That Regularity is not to be regarded, whelk. ever any Perfòns will pretend a nece ty for thither this tends , how little foever you,