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Part IL The Living Temple. 95 for our more diftina underftanding, ofhis Nature, and our own State ; and how we are to behave our felves to- wards J im, thereupon. Takingnotice, therefore, that there is a written Revelation of him, extant in the World, that bears his Name; and gives it felf out tobefrom him. If now we look into it, obferve the im- port, and defrgnof it, compare it with what we before knew of his Nature, and our own ; confider what is molt obvious to an eafy felf-reflection in our own Stateand Cafe, and how ex- a&ly this written Revelation, agrees and correfponds to thofe ourformer No- tices ; taking in withal themanyConfr. derations that concur, betides; to evi- dence to us the divine Original, and Authority thereof; We cannot but have much rational Inducement, and Obligation to receive, with all Reve- rence, and Gratitude, this Revelation, as from God ; and to rely upon it, as afore and facred Light fent down from Heaven, to direct us in all our Con- cernments God-ward. For IV.