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?4 Preface. as well fhews as caufei the deferi of the former) to try every new Method and Scheme of Atheifnt they hear of, im- plys their Diftru(t of all, and their Su- fpicion, That do what they can, things willHillbe as they were ; i. e. molt ad- verfe and unfavourable to that Way of Living, which, however, at a ven- ture, they had before refolv'd on. Therefore, they find it necelfary to continue their Contrivances, howmore effe&wally to disburthen themfelves of any Obligation to be Religious ; and hope, at leak, fonse or other great Wit may reach further than their own ; and that either by force new Model of Thoughts, or by not thinking, it may be poflible, at length, to argue, or wink, the Deity into nothing, and all Religion out ofthe World. And we are really to do the Age that right, as to acknowledge, the Genius of it aimsat more Confiftency and A- greement with it felf, andmore clever- ly to reconcile ' Notions with common Practice, than heretofore. Men feem to be grownweary of theold dull way ofpraetifingall manner of Lewdneffes, andPretending to repent of them ; to Sin, and fay they are ferry for't. The running