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Part IL The Living Temple. 13 Fools: But this is plainly given us, as the common Character of Apofiate Man the whole revolted Race, of whom it is faid, in very general Terms, They all are gone back, there is none that cloth Good. This is their Senfe, one and all, i. e. Comparatively ; and the true Rate of the Cafe being laid before them, it is more their Temper and Senfe to fay no God, than to repent, and turn to him. What mad Enmity is thy:. Nor can we devife intowhat elfe to refolve it. This Enmity, indeed, more plainly Thews it fell where the Divine Glory (efpecially that of his Grace, and Good- will towards Men, a thing not lets evi- dent, than ftrange !) more brightly Things ; yet there are fo manifelt ap- pearances of it every where, and he bath fo little left himfelf without Wit- nefs unto any,that the univerfalStrangev nets of Men towards him, apparently owes it felfmore to Enmity than Igno-. rance; and even v, here there is much '.Parknefs, there is more Ill-evil.' For their Ignorance, by which they are ali- enated from the Life of Gdd, is called Blindnefs of Heart ; i. e. Voluntary, afecedBlindnefs, Eph. 4. 18. It can be