Howe - B3999 R4 H68 1702

cx A Preface. fingly orange. Th is was (as Cicero upon asgood an Oo cation fpeaks) not to confider, but cal .Lots what to fay. And it deferves Obfervation too, howwell this A%rt.ion, [That two di- flinUAttributes do not conftitute twodi- ftint Subftances,] agrees with that, Prop. 2: [Two Subftances Ti, axing divers Attri- butes, have nothiA -g common between them.] This muf E certainly fuppofe the Diverfity of Attributes tomake the greateft Diverfity cifSuboances imagin- able ; when they admit not there fhould be any tbing ( not the leaft thing?) common. between them ! And yet they make not diftinú Subítances ! But this was only to make way for what was to follow, the Overthrow of the Creation. 1A thing he was fo over- intent upon, that in the heat of his Zeal and Haft, he makes all fly afun- der before him, and overturns even his own Batteries as fait as he raifes them, Pays and unfays, does and un- does, at all Adventures. Here two Subftances are fuppofed havinggdioiric1 Attributes, that is, dittin&t Effences, to have therefore nothing etìrnmon be- tween them ; and , yet prefently after, thy' two, or never fo many diflin& Atttrib tet,