Howe - B3999 R4 H68 1702

Part Ì. lJe Living Temple. Nor is it at all Incongruous, that this Matter fhouldbe thus argued out by fuch. a `Frain, and Deduflion of C;onfetiuen- ces, drawn fromEffeds, that come under our prefent Notice : For how come we to know that there is any felf -exzfing Being at all, but that we find there is fómewhat in Being that is Abject to con- tinual Mutation, and which therefore exifls not neceffarily (for whatfoever is what it is neceffarily, can never change, or be other than what it is) but mutt be caufed by that, which is Neceffary and Self-exiftent. Nothing could be more reafonable, or more certain, than the Deduaion from what appears of Excel- lency and Perfeftion in filch Being as is caufed, of the Correfpondent, and far Tranfcendent, Excellency, and Perfali$ on of its Caufe. But yet, after all this, ifone fet hitn-. felf attentively to confider, there .muff appear fo near a Connexion between the very things themfelves, .Self-exiflence, and abfolute Perfection, that it can be no eafy matter to conceive them feparately. Self- exiflence ! Into how profound an Abyfs is a Man call at the thought of it ! How doth it overwhelm, and fwal- low up his Mind, and wholeSoul ! With what Satisfaction and Delight, niufl he fce