Milton - PR3550 .D77 1777 M1

Boot II: PARADISE LOST. Now lately heav'n and earth, another world Hung o'er my realm, link'd in a golden chain, loos To that fide heav'n from whence your legions fell : If that way, be your walk, you have not far ; So much the nearer danger : go and Ipeed! Havoc, and fpoil, and ruin are my gain. He ceas'd ; and Satan Plaid not to reply, tot° But glad that now his Pea fhou'd find a (bore, With frefh alacrity, and force renew'd, Springs upward like a Pyramid of fire Into the wild expanfe ; and through the !hock Of fighting elements, on all fides round 1015 Environ'd, wins his way : harder befet And more endanger'd, than when Argo pafs'd Through Bofphorus, betwixt the jufiling rocks : Or when Ulyffes on the Larboard 1hunn'd Charybdis ; and by th' other whirlpool fteer'd, 1020 So he with difficulty and labor hard Mov'd on ; with difficulty and labor he ; But he once pall, loon after when man fell, Strange alteration Sin and Death amain Following his track (ouch was the will of heav'n !)1025 Pav'd after him a broad and beaten way, Over the dark Abyfs, whole boiling gulf Tamely endued a bridge of wond'rous length, From hell continu'd reaching th' utmoft orb Of this frail world ; by which the spirits perverfe 1030 With eafie intercourfe pals to and fro To tempt or puniih mortals, except whom God and good Angels guard by special grace. But now at !aft the sacred influence Of light appears, and from the walls of heav'n 1035 Shoots far into the bolom of dim night A