Milton - PR3550 D77 1777 M2

-":514, PARADISE REGAIN'D. BOOK MO Equal in fame to proudeti conquerors. Yet if for fame and glory ought be done, I0o Ought fuffer'd ; if young African for fame His wafted country freed from Punic rage, The deed becomes unprais'd, the man at leaft, And lofes, though but verbal, his reward. Shall I Peek glory then, as vain man leek, iog Oft not deferv'd ? 1 leek not mine, but his Who Pent me', and thereby witnefs whence I am. To whom the Tempter murm'ring thus reply'd. Think not fo flight of glory; therein leaft Refembling thy great Father : he leeks glory, no And for his glory all things made, all things Orders and governs ; nor content in Heaven By all his Angels glorify'd, requires Glory from men, from all men good or bad, Wife or unwife, no difference, no exemption ; 115 Above all facrifice, or hallow'd gift Glory' he requires, and glory he receives Promifcuous from all nations, Jew, or Greek, Or barbarous, nor exception hath declar'd ; From us his foes pronounc'd glory' he exacts. 120 To whom our Saviour fervently reply'd. And reafon ; fince his word all things produc'd, Though chiefly not for glory as prime end, But to fhow forth his goodnefs, and impart His good communicable to every foul 125 Freely ; of whom what could he lefs expect Than glory' and benediction, that is thanks, The flighteft, eafictl, readieft recompenfe From themwho could return him nothing elfe, And not returning that would likelieft render 130 Contempt intiead, difhonor, obloquy ? Hard recompenfe, unsuitable return For fo much good, fu much beneficence. Put