Milton - PR3550 D77 1777 M2

BOOK HI. PARADISE REGAIN'D. sis But why should man Peek glory, who' of his own }lath nothing, and to whom nothing belongs 135 But condemnation, ignominy', and fhame ? Who for fo many benefits recei.v'd Turn'd recreant to God, ingrate and falfe, And fo of all true good himfelf defpoil'd, Yet, facrilegious, to himfelf would take 140 That which to God alone of right belongs ; Yet to much bounty is in God, finch grace, That who advance his glory, not their own, Them he himfelf to gl )ry will advance, So fpake the Son of God ; and here again 145 Satan had not to anfwer, but flood flruck With guilt of his own fin, for he himfelf Infatiable of glory had loft all, Yet of ano$her plea b thought him loon. Of glory, as thou wilt, laid he, fo deem, Turn Worth or not worth the feekiog, let it pals : But to a kingdom thou art born, ordain'd To fit upon thy father David's throne ; By mother's fide thy father ; though thy right Be now in pow'rful hands, that will not part 155 Eafily from poffcffiin won with arms : Judwa now and all the promis'd land, Reduc'd a province under Roman yoke, Obeys Tiberius ; nor is always rul'd With temp'rate fway ; oft have they violated 16o The temple, oft the law with foul affronts, Abominations rather, as did once Antiochus : and think'fi thou to regain Thy right by fitting Hill or thus retiring? So did not Maccabeus : he indeed Retired unto the defert, but with arms ; And o'er a mighty king fo oft prevait'd, That by ftrong hand his family obtain'd, 165 Though