Milton - PR3550 D77 1777 M2

$J6 PAR ADISE REGAIN-1D. tiooK Though priefts, the crown, and David's throne ufurp'di ith Modin and her fuburbs once content. 179 It ki.gdom cricy,e thee nor, let move thee F,eal And duty zc 1 and duty are not th w ; But on occatiou's forelock watch!ul wait. They themlIves rather are oceafPn heft, .:al of thy father's haute, duty to free 17,5 thy country from her heathen fervitude ; So thalt thou belt fulfil, beft verify The prophets old, who lung thy endlefs reign The happier reign the fooner it ; 4F.ign then ; what cand thou better do the while ? To whom our Saviour aniwer thus returtt'd, All things are bed fulfill'd in their due time, And time there is for all things, Truth bath (Aid If of my rein prophttic Wot hath told, That it (hall never end, fo when begin 185 The Father in h,s pu.pofe hath decree 1, Ile in whole hand all times and feafons roll, What if he 'hath decreed that 1, than firft try'd in humble (late, and ,,timgs adverfe, By` tribulations, injuries, intuits, t 0 cnterppts, and tctirns, and (-Dares, and violence, Suffering, Attaining, quietly expelling, Without diarrtt or doubt, that he may know 'What I can tuffer, how obey ? who blt an fuff.r, bcil can do ; bed reign, who fira 193 Jell hath cbey'd ; jud trial ere I merit M3; exaltation without change or end, But what concerns it thee when I begin .My everIortling kingdom, why art thou Solicitous, what moves thy it quifilon ? 200 ISnoveil thou not that my riling is thy fall, And ply promotion will be thy deftrudion To whoe tie Temptec inly racii:c1 reply'd. Let