Milton - PR3550 D77 1777 M2

iNDEX. Book Lind Spiriti, their effence, and power [ i. 4283 79 Their invifible exiftence on earth iv. 677 The elea, their hymn to God the Father; and Son iii. 372 Material, &c. faculties in fpirits rt_ v., 404. 433 Vital, animal, and intellectual fpirits progreffive from ma-1 terial nutrition J v. 4S2 Their exiftence in life, intelleEt, fhape, &c. defin'd vi. 344 spring perpetual within the tropics, but for Adam's fall x. 678 Stars, their places, appearances, &c. iii. 565 Fed by the air v. 417 Part of the fourth day's creation vii. 357 Receive their light from the fun vii. 364 Vide Similes. Stars, and moon, their courfes, influences, &c. iv. 66t Storms, &c. an effect of Adam's fall xi. 695 Styx, a river ofhell ii. 577 Sun, its appearance. place and power iii. 571 Brightnefs defcrib'd iii. 59t Orb fed by exhalations from the groat. v. 423 Part of the fourth day's creation vii. 354. The fountain of light vii. 364 1 iv. 352 iv. 539 Setting defcrib'd .< iv. 590 1 viii. 63o L x. 9z Its annual courfe, producing intenfe heat and cold, an effeal of Adam's fall J' x. 651 Its oblique motion from the equinoctial, from the fame caufe x. 67r Vide Similes. Temperance, the effect of it long life ;i. so8 xi. 530 Teachers (falfe) of the chriffian religion defcrib'd d Thammuz or Adonis (a fall'n Angel) L. 446 Thunder, an effe& of Adam's fall x. 666 Time, refpe&ing eternity, defin'd v. 580 Titan, (a fall'n Angel) i. sto xii. 51 1 Tree of life Vide Life, Tradition cenfur'd Of knowledge Vide Knowledge. Truth),