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El:OLAND'S BEST HOPE. 101 There is no sure preservation from these mischief's, but in an education formed on the religion of Jesus Christ. The principles drawn from the spirit of the Gospel, conscientiously adopted, and acted upon, would subvert all the hollow and destructive maxims of the worldly code. How many boiling passions might have been cooled, how many disap. pointed hearts and mourning spirits healed, how many duels, how many suicides (both now so dreadfully pre- valent) might have been prevented, by the early and unremitted application of this one grand specific ! Cultivate in your son whatever is va- luable in science, or elegant in literature. Independently of its own intrinsic worth, it will, by filling up his time and enga- ging his thoughts, assist in setting his mind above low and sordid tastes, and leave him little leisure or relith for the base and grovelling pursuits ofsensuality. A love of learning, judiciously instilled, is amongst the most probable human pre. F 3