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126 ON SOUNDNESS IN JUDGMENT, advantages Lit procures us, and the evils from which it preserves us, will be more apparent, themore it is kept in exercise. Religious charity more especially de- mands the full exercise of the judgment. A judicious Christian will double the good done, by his selection of the object, and by his manner of relieving it. All things that are good are not equally good. A sound judgment discriminates between the value of theclaimants which present themselves, and bestows on.them more or less attention, according to their respective claims. Above all, an enlightened judgment will enable you to attain and to preserve CONSISTENCY, that infallible criterion of a highly-finished Christian character, the want of which makes some really re- ligious persons not a little vulnerable. It was this want in some of his people, which led an eminent divine, at once a man of deep piety and lively wit, to say, that " there were some good persons, with whom it would be time