Owen - Houston-Packer Collection BT768 .O9 1654

CAP Mr G's Interpretation borrowed fromSocitum difproved. loó "Inf.: The firft Author of this Gloffe upon aparalleli Text was a Socinur: Pnel: Theol: cap: 6. whofe words are. This place of Ezekiel is well explainedby axunc Eztchielis locum Erafinus in his Diatribe, filing, that there is an ufuall figureof fatis commodè explicat E- .peaking contained in it, whereby a care inany, ofworking fomething tens in fua Diatribe, di- by another isfgnified , his endeavour being not excluded; a if a censin eocontineri ufita- tam figuram loquendi, qua Mai.flerfbouldfay tohis Scholarfpeaking improperly, Twill take a- cura in altero aliqutd effi- way that barbaroustonguefrom thee, andgive thee theRomane: there ciendi fignificatur, illius o- ferä minimè exduCa : ac fi are aline the words ofErafmus : to which adde, that it appeareth quis(mqua)Præceptor dif- from theplace itfel fe, that God wouldnot fignify any necefty, or any cipulo ftibi nti dteerey internall efficacy, when he declareth that he will clef! what he pro- exeram tibi linguam iflam barbaricam, & inferam Ro- ntifeth,no other way,thenby Memultitude o fhis benefits,wherewith he manor, Hæc twit fete ip- would affect thepeople , and mollify their hearts and mindes , and fins Erafmf verba. Qdbus addex loco ipfo fatis appa thereby as it were, beget andcreate in them awillingneffe andalacri- rere, nullâ neceffitatë De- ty in obeying ofhim. TheRemonfirants received thisfence , in the um fignificare voluiffe,fed neque ullam viin interio- conference at the Hague, managingit in thefe words : it ismanifesl rem, cum non aliâ rarione that theft words doe ftgnify foregreat efficacy and motion ;which ea, gum ibi polliceturfe ef- fhouldcome topaffe by the many and excellent benefits of God, for Iefturum, oftendat Deus, andmegmbus atefturul i- whofefake they ought to convert themfelves,&c. whichworthy In- rat populum,cfutq; cor te terpretation being at length fallen upon Mr Goodwin: hand, is anion= emolltturus.&c. trimmed forth as you have heard. Secondly , not to infra on Soc.prat.Cap.12.S.6445. thofeAffumptions, which are fuppofed] in this interpretation, as that thisPromife was made peculiarly to the lopes, and to the whole Nation of them,properly and diregtly, &c. TheGfoffe it felfe will be found by no meanes tohavethe leaft continency with either the words, or intendment of the Holy Ghoft in the place, nor tobe fuitedtoAnfwer our Argument from thence, nor yet to hold anygood intelligenceor correfpondency with what bath already beendelivered concerning it. For, 1. Tobeginne with the latter: heaffirmes this cannot bea Promifeofab- folutePerfeverance,becaufe ifit befo,theyeroes enjoyed it in that Captivity, as well as afteravards; when that is herepromifed, which they were not to receiveun- till in, and upon their return from Babylon. Sell: 52. Pag: 220, 22 r.But ifthat, which ishere mentioned,be all that is promifed to them, namely , dealing fo gracioufly and bountifully with them in his Difpenfations, according as was intimated, there is not any thing in the lean held out tothem in this place, but what God had already (himfelfe being judge) in as eminent and high a manner wrought in reference to them and for them , as could be conceived. And indeed it was fuch, as he never after this, arofe to that height ofoutward mercy andbounty, in things fpiritualland temporal!, fo asbefore.ifai. 5.1,2,4. Neither after the Captivity unto this day, did they fee againe the triumphant gloryofDavid, themagnificent peace of Solomon, the beautyof the Temple, the perfe&ion ofOrdinances &c. as before. 4.- Whereashe affirmed formerly, that this Promife is conditional!, and that the things thereinpromifed, doe dependonconditionsby them to befalfilled,to Whom thePromife is made. Seel:Sq,.pag.221. in the Gloffe here given usofthe words, there is no intimation ofany fuch conditions, as whereon the promi- fed acttings ofGod fhould be fufpended, but only an uncertaintyof Event in reference to thefea&ingsAfferted That (according to this interpretation) which alone God promifeth todoe is, that he would deale abovemeafuregraci- oufly, andbountifullywith them, as well in matters relatingto theirfpirituall con-. ditions, as in things concerning their outward condition, this isall he promifeth, and thishe will abfolutely doe, be the Event what it will. It is not Paid, ( nor can it withany pretenceofreafon) that this allo is conditional!, naywhat e- ver the Event and iffue be, that Godwill thus deale with them, is the fenceof the