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CA P. 1. 4: 45. 'The DoórineofPèrfeverance howbyM' G. propofed. 28 both eternall,and temporali towards them, that they come under this varie- tyofNames,and Defcriptions. Firft, in refpe&ofhisEternall Defignation of them toLife and Salvation, they are raid to be written among the living, or Revel. 3. 12. unto life inferufalem: their names are in the Lambsbook ofeife, from the fronn- 8. dationof the World, and they are recorded in the purpofe ofGod from all e- Luke ao. 20 ternity. Secondly in refpe&of their Deliverance, and a&wall Redemption from the bondageofdeath & Satan, which for ever prevaile upon the grea- tellnumber oftheSonnes ofMen, fhadowed out by their deliverance from Revd.s.9. theBabilonifh Captivity, (pointed at in this place) they are Paid to be, a Rem- Eph 5. 25 nant, an Efcaping,fuch as are Left,and Remaine in ferufalem : From the peri- zech.3.2. thing Lump ofMan-kind, God doth by Chrift, fnatch a Remnant(whom he John i7. 9. will preferve)'ike a Brandout ofthefire. Thirdly , in refpe& of their injoy- Rom.8.38 ment ofGods Ordinances and Word , andhis Prefence with them,therein, Pfal. 48. r r, they arecalled, the Daughter of Sion, and the Dwelling places thereof. There 72, 13, 14. did Godmake knownhis Mind and Will; and Walked with his People in íóa,2,3.&c thofe Beauties ofHolinefe; Thefe are they towhom thefepromifes are made: Jerem.5o. 5. Zec1.8.2. theElect, Redeemedand CalledofGod: or thofe who being Elected , andRedee- John.r2. 17. meet, fhall in their feverall Generations be Called, according to his Purpofe, who Pfal.rró.3. Ira 49.14. worketh all things, according to the Councell of, his ownwill. 4. 45. For the Matter of thefe promifes , theymay be reduced to thefe three Heads , Firft of yuflification. verf. 2. Secondly , of Sanctification v. 3, & 4. Thirdly, ofPerfeveranceverf. 5, & 6. Firft, of juflification , Chrift is Made to them, or Givenunto them, for Beautyand Glory: whichhow it's done, the Holy Ghoft tells us Ifaiah 6i so. Iwill greatly rejoyce in the Lord , my foule (hall bejayfull inmy God,for he hathcloathed me with the Garmentoffalvation, he hath coveredme with the Robes ofRighteoufneffe, faith the Church : he puts upon Poore deformed Creatures, the GloriousRobe of his own Righteouf- neffe, to makeus-Comely in his Prefence,and thePrefence ofhis Father- Zac. z Cor 1 20. 1 3.3,4. Through Him, hisbeing givenunto us, made unto usof GodRighteouf 7 nefe, becoming, the Lordour Righteoufnefe, doewe find free acceptation, as I(a.45.24,25. Jer.23.6. Beautiful! and Gloriousin the eyes of God. But this is not all: He doth not Rom.5.r. onlyAdorne uswithout, but alto 9Yaf us within : the Apoflle acquaints us, co that that was his define E he . 2 26. and therefore ou have Second- ly) g> P f5 5, y c the promifeofSanEtification added, verfes 3, 4. v.3. youhave the thing it felfe, they 'hallbe calledholy, Made fo, called fo by him, who calleth things that are not as though they were, and by that Call, gives them to be that which 2 Cor.4.6. he calls them;he faid,let therebe light,and there was light. And then the mane Euk. r:.r9, ner how it becomestobe fo. V. 4. firft Pettingout theEfficient caufe: thefruit Joh.3.5 ofYudgment andBurning, that isòfHolinefe, and Light:&(Secondly) the way Rom.8.2. ofhis roducin this great efFe& wallingawayflth, and purging away blood: 10h.I6.9,io, P g r r. Spirituali filth and blood, is the defilement of finne, the Scriptureto Pet out Pfal. 38.5.7 it abhomination, comparing it to the things of thegreater} Abhorrency to Prov., 13.5, 6. our nature, even as that isto the nature ofGod. And this isthe fecond pro- mife, that in, and by, theBranch ofthe Lord, is here made to them, who are Ifa.64.6. writtenunto lie in 7eru alern. But now leaft any fhould fuppofe that both Ezek.r6.4.5. f J Ì, o Ply & 24.6. thefe are for a feafononly, that they areDying priviledges, Perifhing mercies, Hof8.8. jewel'sthat maybe loft, fo that,though the perlons to whom thofe promifes Zech. I3.r . Rom.3.13. are made, are once made Glorious andComely, being in Chrift freely accepted, 2 Pet.2.22. yet they mayagain become odious in thefight ofGod, and be utterly reje- &ed, that being onceWafbed,Purged,Cleanfed, theyfhould yet returne towal- lowin their mire, and fo become wholly defiled and abhominable: In the Thirdplace, Hegives apromifeof Perfeverance, in the two laft vertes, and that expreffedwith Allufion to theProte&ion afforded unto the peopleofthe /ewes