Perkins - BX9315 P465 1597

"4 Coy o atiO#$ theouen, before you can be Godsbread. You arc one of Chrifles Lantbes, Tooke therefore tobee fleeced, and tohaue the bloudieknifeat your throateall the daye long. Ifyóu wereamarket fheepebought tobee folde, you fhould bee flailed and kept in a fat pailure: but youare for Gods owne occupy- ing, therfore you muff paflureon the barecommon, abiding flormes,tempe fles,Sathánsfnatches,the worlds woundes, contempt ofconfcience, & frettes ofthe flefh. Butin this yourmiferie I will bee aSimon vnto you to helpeyou to carrieyourcroffe, fo be it youwill rcueale your mind vnto me. Chriftian. 1will do it willingly : my temptations are either againfl my faith inChrift, oragainfl repentance formy firmes. Miniffer. What is yourtemptation astouching faith? Cbrifian. Ah,woe is mee, I am much afraid left Ihaue no faith inÇhria mySaviour. . Minister. Whatcaufeth this feare? Christian. Diuersthings. 1l?inifter. What isone? Chriftian. I am troubled withmanie doubtingsofmy faluation : and foit comes intomy mindeto thinke,thatbymy incredulitie I fhouldquite cutoff myfelfefrom the fauoureofGod, Minifter. Butyoumuffknowethis one thing, that hethat neuer doubted ofhis faluation neuer beleeued, and that hee which beleeueth in truth, feeleth manydoubtingsandwauerings,euen as the found man fceles many grudgings ofdifeafes, which ifhe hadnot healthhecouldnotfeele. Chri/tian. But you neuer knewe anie that hawing true faithdoubted of theirfaluation. cMar.9.24. Miniaer. What will you then fayof the man that faide,e Lord Ibeleeue, Pfalm.77 Lord help rag vnbeleefe?AndofDauidwho madehis moane after this manner: ver.R.v.c o. Ishis mercy cleangone for ewer?Duthhispromi1e f ile for euerrmorc?Hatb God forgottétobe tnerciftsl?llath hefhntVPhis tender mercie indis leafart?Yea he goethon further, as a man in defpaire,fAnd I f id this is my death.I-icereby it f ` E' ismanifefl, thata man indeed with true faith may hauenot onlyaffaultes of doubting,but ofdefperation. This further appeareth inthat he faith in another gPfa1.42. place,brvhyart thoucaft clowne myfonlh?why art thou difgnietedwitbinmet? .1" Waiteon God,for Iwilyetgiue tharkees,be is myprefent help myGod.Andin eerie truthyoumay perfwadeyour feefe that they arebut 4c vnreafonable men, * a.The. ?, 2. that fay they haue long beleeued in Chrill without anye doubting of their faluation. Chrijlian. But Dauidhad more inhim then I haue,for me thinkes there is nothing in this wicked heart ofmine, but rebellionagainfl GOD,nothingbut doubtingofhis mercie. Miìjs f cr, Letmeknewe but onething ofyou: thefcdoubtingswhichyou feele, doeyou like them ? or doe you take any pleafure inthem ? and docyou cherilh them? Chrsfliat