Perkins - BX9315 P465 1597

30 Howfore4 Reprobate d AA 1.T6. d ludaswas a reprobate.And this maybewel perceived in the refemblanceof Co1oíl 4t7 taflingwhich the authortoSi Hebrewes vfeth.We know, that cooks comonly 2.Tim.4.10 which areoccupied in preparingofbanquets,haueas much feelingand feeing ofthemeat,as anyother:andyet there is nonethat eateth leffe of it than they for their flomackes are cloyedwith the ftnell and tafleofit : So,in Iikemaser it maycometopaflfe,that theMinifler 'nhickdre{fah andprouideth the ipirituall food,mayeate the leaf}ofithimfelfe ; and fo,labouringto faueothers,hemay bea reprobate."And it isthought,that forceofthemwhichbuilt the Arke, were not faced in thearke,but perithed in the flood, XXX. When as a reprobate profefi'eth thus much oftheGofpell, though jn deed cloh.z z a hebea goate , yet he is taken for one ofGods(beep : he is kept in the fmepa- flures , and is folded in the fame foldewith them. a He is counteda Chrilltan yg z5 ofthe children ofGod,& fohe taketh himfclfto be; nodoubtbecaufc through the dulneffeofhis heart,hecannottrie and éxaminehinifelfe. and therfore tru- Iiecannot difcerne of his eflate,whether hebe in Chrifl or not : and it may bee thought,that Sathan isready with famefakeperfwafion todccciue him. For this i3his t ropertie,that upon c-v home God threateneth death , there Sathan is bolde to pronounce lifeand faluarion : ason the contrary, tothofe,to whor-se Godpronouncethloue and mercie,to thole (I fay) bee threateneth diípleafure anddamnation:fuckmalicehathhe againfl Godschildren. XXXI. And hereby itcommeth topaffe , that an * hypocritemay bee in the visible The eleEi Church,and obey it in the word and difcipline,andfo be taken fora truemem- rss.3' h`c o` ber ofChrifl: when as a manindeed regenerate may be excommunicate , and the C.tho- y like Ghurch endhis life beforehebereceived againe : for this is the end ofexcommunicati- and not of on a that theflefh,that is,the part vnreg,enerate, may be defiroyed: and thefpirit thevifible, that is,thepart regrnerate,maybekept aline ixa thedayof theLord. Nowe the and the re- i man nwhomeisfjirit and flefh,b mutt ncedesbethe childe of God,becaufe probate l" maybeof thisárgueth thathehath the fanelifyingfpirit ofChrifl. Againe,Paule when he the vifible biddeth the Corinthians to comfort the ¡inceflious man, c leap through the and nOt of pight ofSathan helbouldbe o, erwhelmed o feier much heauine(fe,t iucthmen the Catho- tovnderíland,thathemight haue endedhis life in great extremitieoffórrowe, like, a 1.Cor:s.5 beforehe had beenvifibl y receit:ed into the Churchagaine. b XXXII. z c ThoughGodwill neuer adopt any reprobate : yetby the adoptionof the r z Cor.=_.y elect they may rcceiue profite.For they find thebleífingofGod to be onThem by reafon that theydwel together,and hauefocietywith the childrenofGod.d .1 Gen . z For Noahs fake eucryone in his family is faued in the floud.Por Lots caufe the Gren: r,a.zr. menofZoarare preferuedfrom the fire. AndGod would baue fparcd"Sodom, Inds t.3 z ifthere hadbeenbut ten goodmen in it.ForRababscaufe,her familie and kin- nnd 39.3 Bred are atlibertiehi Icricho. When I ofeph was in Putiphars hotsfe , all thinges profpered well. e For Samuels cauCe the Ifraelites were deliuered from the. Philiftins