Perkins - BX9315 P465 1597

n.expvpston'urns rF,,e Loracprayer. 195 they were indued withapure zeale , andnot carried with dcfire ofreuenge a- gaina their enemies , intendingnothing elsbut the glorieofGod. Noweforvs it isgood that we thould fufpeet our zeale , becaufe unifieraffelions,asha- tred, enuy, emulation, defireofreuenge, will ea(ly mingle themfelues there- with. gueflion. How far foorthmay wevfe thole Pfalmesin whichDauidvfeth imprecations againft hisenemies ? Anfwer. They are toberead andFongwith there caueats. t. Weare to vfe thole imprecationsindefinitely againa theene- mies ofGodandhis Church: for weemay perfwade our felues that alwayes therebe fame fuch obamateenemies : but wemull not appli e them particu- larlie. 2. Secondly, wemug vfethem(as Auguaine faith) as certaine prophe- ticall fentences oftheholyGhoa,pronouncing the lag fentenceófdearuólion vpon finall and impenitent (inners , which oppofe themfeluesagaina Gods kingdome.3. Theymay beviedagainaourfpirituall enemies , theflefh, the diuel,andhis Angcls,ar,d theworld. 2. Furthermore, whereas wearetaught tofay,OurFather, thisferues to put vs inmind,that inpraying to God,wemull bring loue tomen withvs. Wee mull all bethe childrenofone Father,louingliedifpofedone to another. For how fhouldhee callGodhis Father,who will not take the child ofGod forhis brother?Mat. S.z3. When thouart toofferthygiftuntogod fthou honeought againfl thybrother :firs be recoaciled,andthencome andoffer thygift , So allo Efa. t. verf.23,-; The Lord faith that when theyprayveto him he will nothear. Why? becaufetheirbandsarefullofblood. In thefetimesmany men can bee content formally to pray, but yet they will not leaue bribing, oppreflion, de- ceit,vfurie,&c. Thecommon Fong of the world is, Eucry mantbrhimfelfe, Sc God for vs all : this is thecommon loue andcare that men haue each toother. The praiersoffuch are abominable,euen as the facrifice ofa dog, asEfay faith, For howecan they call GOD their Father , that haue no loue to their bre- thren? 3. Thirdlie, hence wemay learnethat God is no accepter of perfons. For this prayer isgiuen toail menofwhat !late or degreefoeuer, All then , as well poore as rich,vnlcarned as learned,fabiedes as rulers,mayfay, Our Father. It isnot with the Lordas it is with the world ,butall are his children that dobe- leeue. The poore man hathasgood interea in Gods kingdotne, and maycall God father as well as theking. Therfore the weaker fort are tocomfort them- felueshereby , knowing that God is a father tothem as wel as to Abraham, Dauid,Peter. And fuchasare indued withmore grace,mua not therefore fwel inpride, becaufe theyhauenotGod tobeetheir father more then their infer'. ourshaue. Nn 4 Which.