Perkins - BX9315 P465 1597

AnExpoacon "pox t e Lords Prayer. 2 13 this vice,but markemens lines, and we (hall fee it is a commondifeafe, asDa- ttidnotedPfa1,4.6. wherehebrings in the people, laying : Who Ehew vs any good? This then is a cornmon Pinne that wearetaught to iarourne for. z. The fecond want is diffidence and dillruflfulnes in Gods prouidence tonchtngthe things of this life. M en alto will (hilt thisoff, and fay, they would be fork todiflrufi God. But ifwee doe but a little looke into thecorruption of our nature, we (hall fee that we are deceiued. For being in profperitie, wee are not troubled : but ifoncewee be preffed with aduetfitie, then we how is and weepe, andas Paul faith, r. Tim 6 ao. c.Men pierce themflue, thorow with :many farrows . if a man (hall lofeapart ofhis goods , what thendothbec? firaight hee goesout to the wifeman ;is this to beleeue in God?No r it is to ditirutl Godand beleeue the deuill. 4. Graces to be de: red. 4Hegrace to bedented isa readines in all eflates of life to tell ;on Gods prouidence, wk hatfoever fall out. Pfalme 37. i'. Commit thy way to the Lord,,rsv traa,1 to him, and be/hallirist it topaffe. rouerb. 6.3.Co,». mi' orrole thy wor/Z.4 vpor, the Lord, aa7d thy thootghtt!hall be dzreied. Where- by we areadmonifhcd to takepaises in our callings to bet meate and drinke, &c. If the Lordbicife not our labour wemil becontenur ifhedoe, we mutt givehim chalices: Now for thiscaufe weearefurther to pray toGod that het wouldopen our eyes, andbyhisfpirit teach vs in all his goodcreaturestofee his prouidence, and 'when irieanes fade and arecontrarie, thenalto to beleeue in thefame, and to followPaulsexample. Philip .4.. r 2. 5. Errors confided., P Apiflsteach that menbyworkes ofgrace maymerit lire eternal! , and in crcafe of iuilification in this l.fe. But how can thisbe t for herewe fee that euerybit of bread whichwecate, is the freegift ofGod without anymerite of ours. Now dwee can notmerit apeeceof bread, what madnes is itto think that we canmerit life cuerlailing. z. They alto are deceiued la ho thirke, that anything comes by meere chanceorfortune; without Gods prouidence. Indeed in refpe&ofmen who know notthe caufes ofthings, manychances thereare : but fosas thattheyare ordered and cometopafre by Gods prouidence. Luis. i o. 3 r. Bychance there . came dowsea certaine prieft that way. Forgiuevs our debts. i . 7 h cobsren, e, 'His is thefft petition and thefecond oftrade whichconcerneour felues: in theformer we craned temporall blellings,in this andthenext which fol- lowed.)