Perkins - BX9315 P465 1597

214 An ExpoTitian vpon theLords Pryer. lowed!, wecranefpirituallbleihngs. Where we maynote, that feeing there is two petitions, which concerne fpirituall things, and but one for temporal; that the care for our foules muabe double, to thecareofour bodies, i n the world mencare for theirbodies, theirhearts arePet for wealth andpromotion : they can be content toheare the word on the Sabbath , yet neither then , nor in theweekedaydo they lay it vp in theirhearts, and praclife it,whichargues that they haue little or nocare for theirfoules. Qileßion. What is the caufethat firf}wecrane things for thebodie, and in the fecondplace thofewhich concerne the foule?Al. The orderofthe holy Ghoft in thefepetitions is wonderful: forthe Lord confiders the dulneffeand backwardnes ofinens natures : and therefore heetrains thanvp, and drawes them on bylittle, men as afchoolemaflerdothhisyoung fchollers : propoun- ding untothen forne finali elements and principles , andfocarrying them co higher points. For the former petition is a ffepor degree to thefe two foliow- ing. The rulerbythe healingofthebodieofhischild is brought tobeleeue in Chriff. Ioh. 4.5 3. He then that will ref+onGodsmercie for the pardon ofhis fannes, mull firfl ofall teaon Gods prouidence forthis life : and bee that can notput his affiance in God for the prouifionofineate and drinke, how (hall bee twirl inGodsmercie for the faluationofhis foule ? Here wee may fee the faith ofworldlings : theyfay that God is merciful , and that they beleeue in Chria : which can not be true : feeingin leffermatters, as mote and drinke, they diürufl God,as appcares by their couetoufnes. Againe, by this order wee aretaught asearnefily to fecke forthepardonofour finnes, as wee feeke for temporall.bleflings. 2. 'Mcmeaning. Dettr) By debts firmes are meant, as it is in Luke r i. q.. and they are fo called, becaufe oftherefemblance bcrweene them. For even as a debt dothbind a man, either to make fatisfafd ion , orelfeto goe toprifon : fo our fames bindsvs either tofatisfie Gods iufice,orelfe to fuffereternal dânation.` For itm) Toforgiue finne,is tocower it,ornot to impute it. Pfal. 3 2.1. And thisis donewhenGod is content ofhismercie ro accept thedeath and paffiora ofChrift as a fufficient paiment andranfome for mans firmes, & fo to efleeme theta as no-unes. And herevnder this one benefite ofretniffionoffinues, all the reft ofthe fame kind arevnderffood, as iuffification, fanlification,redem- ption,glorification,&c. 3. The vfesof rbewordes, ri nce wemay learne many leffons : the firfi is, that Peeing wee muff pray thus, Lordforgiue,tj.c. weare tohold, thatthere is no fatisfa&iô to Gods iuflice for finneby our workes, no not in temporarie punifhments : but that thedoing away ofour fnnes is ofGods tneere fauour: for to forgiue and to fatisfie,be contrarie wherefore the do6trine of humane fatisfattions, taught in tai: Churchof Rome,isvile anddeuilifh, z. Secondly,