Perkins - BX9315 P465 1597

60 The elate (fa cbrájiran a11, who feemeth tobee departed for a time. Theexercifeofa chriftian in this tentation is this. a Cant. e.3. I a The poore foule lyingas aman defolate in the night without eomforte, vrfI. feekes for Chritl byprivateprayer and meditation, butit will not preuaile. b Vee-a. 2 b He vfeth thehelpe, counfell, andprayer ofgodly brethren, yet Chrift cannotbee found. c Ver.3à 3 c Thenhe feckes;to godlyminiflers, to receiue fotne comfort by them,by their meaneshe can feele none. d VerC4. 4 d After that all meanes hauebeen thus vied, and nonewill preuaile, then by Gods great merci; whenhehath leaf} hope,hee findesChrift, &feeles him comeagaine. 5 Prefentlyhis faith reuiueth, and laieth fallerholde on Chrift. 6 And heehathas neere fellowfhip with Chrifl inhis heart as before, 7 e Thencomes againe the ioyeoftheholyGhofl: and thepeaceofconfci- enceas a fweetefleepe fallesvpon him. fVeil; 9. 8 f Thenhis heart arifeth vp into heauen by holy affe Tions and praiers, which do as pilfersof fmokemount vpward, fweet as myrrhe and incenfe. gVctf g> 9, 9 g Alfohe is rauifhed therewith the meditation ofthe glorious eflateof t ° the kingdome ofheauen. h VerC r r. 10 h Hee Labours tobring others to confider the glorie of Chrifl andhis kingdome. r t i After all this Chrifl reueales to his feruant, what his bleffed eflateis bothin this life, and in the life to come, more cleerely than euer before, and makes him fee thole graces whichhe bath bellowed onhim. kVtr1 6 I z k Thenthe Chriflian praieth that Chrifl would breathonhimbyhisho. ly fpirite, that he may bring forth the fruites ofthole graces which areinhim. iVerf t.c.5. 13 1 La(lly, Chrill granteth him this his requefl. LVI. ,t A. ïpiritu- The fourth temptation is fecuriticof heart, riling of ouermuch delight in all iluinbcr the pleafures of the world. The exercifeofa Chriflian in this temptation is in worldly this. t He flumbers and ishalfee a fleepe in thepleafures ofthis world. 2 Chrifl by his word and fpirite labours towithdrawehim from hisplea= lures, and n to make himmore heartiliereceiue hisbeioued. 3 Buthe b dclayethto doe it being loath to leauehis cafe and fweetede. lights. 4 cThen Chrifl awakes him and flirt-es vp his heart: by makinghim to fee the vanitie ofhis pleafures. 5 He then beginstobe moreearnetlly affeaed towards Chrifl. 6 d With forrow he lets his heartto haue fellowfhip withChrifl after his oldemanner: and this heexpreffeth bybringingforth fweet fruiter ofrighte. oufaes. cVrr.6. 7 c Thenbeefeeleth that Chrifl bath withdrawnhis fpirit. eVerf.S. FCap. 4. pleafures. Cant.i. ß4ar.a5.5. Cant. 5. a Vcrf.z. h Ver1:3. Vcrf.4. d Var. 5. 8 nee