Perkins - BX9315 P465 1597

veyonct a iteprot%ate. 103 tingofGods providenceand mercy isa naturali corruptioninümen: tothis agreeth, and fromhence ifiueth that foolifh and vaine opinion , ^concerning doubtingofourfaluation , andoftheretniflionoffins. Fiftly, felte-leue, and felfe-liking are naturali corruptions: to this agreeth that doeirive of the Pa- piffies, notouermuch toabafe our felues,but to maittainefreewill by nature, and to thinke that wehaue fo much goodnes, thatwee areable toprepare our felues toreceiue , and in formefort to merit grace. Sixtly,idlenes and ryotouf- nes is anaturali corruption,and to it venie fitly anfwereth thegreat number of feafies , ofholydayes,ofhal e holydayes whichthe Church ofRome vfeth. Se, uenthly, Couetoufneffe is anaturali corrtrption,and to the feedingof this`vice feruethPurgatorie,afire ofgreatgaine,whick in very trueth , ifit had notbur- nedveryhot,the fire in the Popes kitchin had burned very coide : hitherto ferue Piigrimages,fàying ofMaffes,and felling oípardonsfor money. Eight- lie,tobe atlibertyis the defireofnature: anfwerable to this is that opinion, that the fpirituaitie is tobeexempted f om fi bie6tion to Magilirates.Ninthly, to commit adultery is nat_urall: to this agreeththe Stewes, and thepermifïon offimple fornication. Tenthly,i2norance is a filthycorruption in nature : this the Church of Rome makeththe mother ofdeuotion , and it is inioyned the layman as a rneanesofhisfaluation : for heJudi- beleeue as the Church belee- ueth,he is not bound to know. a t . Infidelitie is naturali,, & to thisagreeththat they call vpon Saintes and Angels ,the Lord hauingcommanded them tocall uponhim in the name ofChrif. t , what argueth this els,but heartendifiruffing Gods goódnes,& guiltyconfciences?i 2.I41-lagesin the Church ofRome carne from infidelity,becaufe men in reafon could notperfwade théfelues that God was prefent,vnles that were made manifeát by Ionic figueand image. Which Exod 3z,.z. thing the IfraeIites declared when they laid to Aaron in the wildernes in Mofes abfence, Makevs gods togoe beforevs. i 3 , Satisfafi-lions for finne arenatu- tall: for wicked emen when they haue offended God, they haue alwayes vied Tome ceremonies topacifieGod with,which when theyhaueperformed, then "they thinke thyhauedone enough. 14. The Church ofRome faith, that the e M h 6 fcriptures aredark & obfcure:the blind man fndethfault with the darknes of le, 1.58. Wá theSunne :If thé Scriptures appcare to any to bee obfcuresthe fault is not in the Scriptures, but in the blindncf e of themindc of him which readeth& heareth them. as. Lafflie,Pardonsopenagap to all licentioufnes :therforethey agree to mans corrupt nature:for who alma+ not fin, whenhee may get a pardon for his flns,fora littlepaceofmoney,as twenty fnillinges or foureNo- bles?An.d what is it but colbnage to fell pardons which fhall be in forcemany yeares after the end ofthe world as the Pope loth. It isnaturali ro a man to.ferue God in certaine ceremonies, without the power of Godline fe : and this fernice isprcfcribed by the religion of the Church ofRome , n hichflait-derh ony in outwardandcorporal'cere:ti<oeier,as the outwardfilccejfiwt ofBtglop, arraera'.r,ve4re: gs fit.rer,colxtres . choiceof rot I ¿Len q l ^at,difrencvof dlyes,t8t es;& k%1oICc ,i.CCrmgfeci ,f6rydóg#oi%-1,7lvá,it ¡stifling begin'