Perkins - BX9315 P465 1597

104 APapifi cannotgot numbring o fBeades,gildingand wor/hippingofImages, building Monafieries, ri fingat midnight,frlence inClo, yflers;abflaining fiomfe/handwhitemeat. Fa- fling inLent ,f,keeping Imber dayes,hearingMafJe anddiuineferuice,feeing and adoring the body informeofbread,receiuing holywaterandho!ie6read,creeping to the Crab , carrying Palmes, taking r.4Jhes,bearing Candles , Pilgrimages going, cenfing,l¿neeling, (ZnocIing, altars,fuperaltars, candleflicIes ,pardons : Orders,crofng,annointing ,flsauing,forfivearingmariage: In Baptifinefelting crofng,ffatling, exarcifing, wafhingofhanks : At Eafler , confefon,penance, dirge,fatisfallion, andin receiving with beards new jhauen, to imagine abody where they fienone: andthough hee were thereprefent tobefeene,yet the out- r'ardfeeing andtouching ofhimofit(elfewithoutfaith conducetbno morethen it didthe levees. erft lQgation dales tocarriebanners,tofollow the Croffe, to walI eabout the fielder : AfterPenteco11 togoe about withCorpus ('rr:ftiplay. eAtHallowma,fe towatch in the Church, to fayDirgeor commendation,andto ring fin- allfoules,topay tythestruy , togitse to the high Altar. "And ifa man willbea Prieff,tofay MateandMatteis; ,to lerue theSaint ofthatday,andto lift welotter the head. Infecl¿ncfe to be anneled, to talehis Rites, afterhisdeath tohaleFunerall andObitesfaydforh:m,and tobe rungforathis Funeral, mo- seethsminde,andyeare mind. This is thefummeofthe Catholique relsgion ftan- ding inbodilie allions,not in any motions orworkfofthe holy Ghoft, working in TI the heart. . The morali Lawcontayningperfecct righteouf3eîie , is flat oppofit to mans corrupt nature : therfore whattóeuer Religion fhall repeale and make ofnone etie& thecommandements ofthemorall Law,that fame religion muff needs ioynehands with the corruption ofnature, andflandior the maintenance ofit. a mat., This doeth the religion oftheChurchofRome : it maybe it doeth not plainly repeale them, yet in effectit Both: a and ifir fiall fruftratebut any one point ofanyone commandement,yea,the whole lawe therby, is made in vaine.i, The liraCommandement requireth, that wehaue the true Iehoua forour only God : the Church ofRome maketh othergods betide thistrue God : it maketh the bodyofChrift to be God,becaufethey hold, it maybee in many places , in heauen,inearth at the fame time,which thing is onlyproperto God. Itmaketh euerySaint departed tobe God, becaufe it holdeththat Saintes doe heare vs b Dec. dirt, now beingvpon the earth , and that they know our thoughtes when wee pray 69,f iris c- to them, whichnone but the trueGod can doe. It maketh the Pope to bee indenter. God,and that inplaine words. b PopeNicholas faith, Conflat , fursmumPon- cFxtrua, tr item a pie incr e Con antina Deum a ellari: it is well knowne, that a,.act f r ,Pr P° It., PP ï the Pope ofthe GodlyPrinceConítantine,was calledGod.Agaí.ne,inc the ex- otT. trauagantsofthe faineCannon law it is written, Dominus Deis nofierPapa, ß Concil. Our Lord Godthe Pope. And again,d Chriflopher Marcellus laid to thePope, . ter' {61.4 Toes alterDezes in terris,Thou art another Godvponearth: and the Pope took e Extra. de maim. & t,_ it tohi mfelfe.As the Pope inplaine words is madeGod, fothe power giuen to brdientía, him deciareth the fame. e Hecan make holy that which isvnbolie, and itf}iñe the