Perkins - BX9315 P465 1597

beyonda reprobate. x o5 the wicked and pardon Prunes :. fhee maydifpenfe contraryto the rayingoff D:n, 31. anApo'lle: heecan change thenature ofthinges, andofnothingmake fomew 4t' what., What is all this, but.toplace the Pope in Gods rooms , and to rob the s a^. Lordofhismaiefly? Presb. Againe the ChurchofRome "maketh Marie the motherof Iefus to bee as God. In theBreuiaryreformed and publifbed at the commandement of Pius a In c,iî:io theV. a fheis called a Goddeffe,in expreffe words : andThee is further tearrned h1a;b ad theQuueeneofheauen,the Queeneoft beworld, thegateof heaaten, tbemother of 1,4aw.ur. grace andnsercie: Yea the isfarreexalted aboue Chritl,andhe in regard ofher is made but a poore vnderling in heauen : forPapifles in their feruice vnto her prayon thismaner,faying : Spew thyfete tobe a mother :andcattle thyforme to receitse ourprayers .letfree the capttoes,andgiue light to theblind. b Laflly, the veryCroffe is madeas aGod.For theyfalute it,bythe name oftheir only hope b Breu;ar.. andpray ittoincreafeiufliceto the godly,and togiue finnerspardon. Where- re( (e. fore theChurch ofRoìne betde the onetrueGod ditlinguifhed into three per- fboExit. fons,theFather,the Sonne,andtheholy Ghofl,rnaketh alfomanyother,andfo Crucis, in truethbath repealed this firacommandement. And theyhaueverie plainlyrepealecthefecondeconnnaundement,in that they teach it lawfullto make imagesof the true God , andtoworfhip him in, them. For the flat contrary is the verie (cope ofthis commandement : namely, that no Imagemull be made ofthe true Iehoua : nor anyworfluip bee perfour- med vnto him in an Image : which appeareth thus, In Deutronomic Mofes Deur4.r g: maketh a largeCommentary ofthis commandement,andthis verypoint he 16, fets downe exprefly,faying,take heed toyour{-clues: for ye faweno image in theday thatthe Lord fpake vnto you inHoreb, out ofthemiddefl of the fire.: thatye corruptnotyourfelues,&makeyou a grauen image , orreprefentation ofany figure,&c.His argument I Petdowne thus. AsGod appeared in mount Horeb,fohe istobe coneeiuedand reprefented:but he appeared inno image in mountHoreb,onlyhis voicewasheard: therfore bee isnotto-beconceiued or reprefented in any image:but menare tobe content,ifthey tnayhear hisvoyce. Againe,that finne to, which the people oflfraell werefpeciallygiuen,euenthat doth the Lordefpeciafly forbid : but to this were thepeople oflfraell fpeciallie giuen,not fomuch tomake imagesoffalfegods, as to make imagesofthe true God, andtoworfhip him in them : which I prooue thus.' Inthe,bookeoffudgesitis laid , that the children oflfraelldid wickedly in thefight ofthe Lord,and feruedBaalim. Nowe thefeBaalims,what arethey ? SurelyIdolsrefembling the trueGod : asthe Prophet Hofea declareth. And at Hof..a,rz that day faith theLord,thou(halt callme I(hai,&'haltcall me nomore &tali. Heereit appeareth that the lffaclites meaning was not toworfhip afalfegod, Ex,d.;z.3, but the trueGod in Baalim. And Aaron whenhe made the goldenCalfe pró- claimed that thenext day thould beholie day, not of aniefalfeGod , butof the Lord that brought them out ofEgypt, The ProphetEfay after that hehad let foorth Gods inaiettieveryworthilie,he comes in with this conclufon : To Era o. xi.. _ whome.