Perkins - BX9315 P465 1597

beyond a reprobate. V I I. Doubting offaluation and hopecannot agree together,forhopema- keth a mannot tobe ofhamcd, that is, it neuer difappointeth himof the thing Lvhich he looketh for,And therefore it is called the anchor ofthe fòtde bothJkre Rorn.f, f. send /ledfafi', which entereth into that which is Within the vaile, So that true Heb,6.19. hope and the certainealfurance offaluation go together. VI I I. True prayer and iuftificationby workes cannot Rand together. For heewhich prayeth truely mutt be touched inwardly witha liuely feelingofhis ownemiferie, andofthe want ofthat grace, whereofhe flandes inneed. Now this cannot bee in the heart of that man that looketh tomerite the kingdotne ofheauen byhis workes:for heethat cando thismay iufily conceiue fornewhat ofhis owneexcellencie. I X. PapifIs teach,that it is great boldnesto come immediately vntó God without the interceffion ofSaintes : andtherefore they vfe to a pray toMarie, a ar, r: Y p Y &Mi(i'a, i. that Theewould pray toChria tohelpe them : yet on the contrarie, when they refer,vbicluc haue fodone, theypray toGOD immediately, that hewould receiue the inter- ceflion ofMariefor them.And thus theyare becomeintercefforsbetweenMa- rieand God. Yea when theyoffer vpChrifi,prayingGod to accept their giftes and facrifices,the humble Prieftthat will not prayto God,but by themediation ofSaints,is then amediator betweenChri it Iefusand God theFather. X. It holdeth, that in theMaffe the Prieftoffereth vpChrifi tohisFather an vnblattdie facrifice. This isa thing impofiible: forifChriftin theMaffe be facri- ficed for finne, then heemutt dieandhis bloodmuttbee flied, Heb.9. z. 2. And in theScirptures thefe two fayings (Chrift isdead, Chri[l is offered vpinfacri- fice) are all one. So then, the Papift when he fuppcfeth that there may be an vnbloudiefaccifice,in eft &he faith thus much,There is a facrifice,which isno facrifice. And it is not poflible that a bloudiefacrifice fhouldbeoffered in an vnbloudiemanner. XL In the Canonof theMaffe, the Church ofRomeprayeth on this wife. Wehumblybefeech thee moft merdifull Father, by IefusChrißcthy fonne and our. Lord, that thou wouldefzaccept thefegifts and oblations and thefèholie" Sacrifices,whichwe thy churchofferto thee,&c.where firfi theyoffervpChrift toGod theFather in thename ofChriß,andfo theymake Chrift tobehis own mediatour. Againe, theydelireGod toblef e and to accept his owne Son : for theyof- fer vpChrift. Ifthey fay he needethnow the bleffingof his Father, theymake Chrift aweake and imperfect Chrif} : ifhe needenot the bleflingof hisFather, their prayer is needleffe. Alto they delireGod toaccept notone gift oronefa- crifice, but in the plural!number,thefegifts & facrifices:whereas theyhold that Chriftsbodie is one onely bodie, and therefore butone facrifice. And thy,¡ they areat variancewith themfelues. X I I. Papifts, in word theyfay, that they béleeue andpnt their truftin God: yet whereas theylooke tobee fattedby their workes, they let the confidence offhcirheartesin truthvpontheirownedoings, rIh z XIII.