Perkins - BX9315 P465 1597

. X ,. °Opt Canoc aRhe.Teft. X I I T. They put fuch holineffe in Matrimonie,that they make it one oftheir pag.523. 7. Sacraments, which a conferregrace to thepartakers ofthem:yet they forbid bPapa Sy- their Cleargie to marrie, b becaufe to liue in marriage isto hue according to rict De the flefh,and the CouncellofTrent oppofeth marriageand chaflitie. eret. a4. X II I I. It teacheth that fouleskept in ur atorie may bee redeemed by 5eiíz4.c.s. p P g y Sacrifices and Suffrages. Againfl this, is a Canon of their law takenout of Saint Hiercme, e We knowe that in this life weemay helpe one another, ei- " q Faint . r i. ther by praiers, or by good counfell : but when wee flu!' come before the 13 °q.3. judgment feate ofChrift, neither Iob, nor Daniel, norl\Ioe, may intreate for Can!ega. any; but eueryman is to beare hisowne burthen. And according to another tur4. ia. Canon goingvnder thenameof gelafisuBifhopofRome . Either there is no Purgatorie, orthe fouleswhich goe thither, fhall neuer returne. . XV. And toconclude, the mofl points of their religion are contrarie to their Canons, as by may appeare in thefe examples. i Con. fa- r The dead cannot heave theprayers ofthemwhich call vponhim. tendum. z Peter and Paule were twoof thechiefe Apof}les, and it is hard to fay,, z3..Bc Which 2 C.Bcat% was aboue the other. 2.q.7. 3 Leothe fourth liuingin theyeare846. acknowledgedLotharius the Ein 3 C.deCa. perour for his Prince. pitulis dill, 4 NoBifhopemay becalledvniuerfall. .i o. TheChurchofRomehath nomoreauthoritie ouerother Churches than. 4C,nullus S a dift.99. other Churches ouer it. s C.legi- 6 APriefl and aBifhopwere in times pall allone. mus di. 93. 7 The Popebath nopower togiueor fell Pardons. 6CIg- g There canbe no meriteby fafting,or abflinence from flefh. Thus. 93° g C.Olim. 9 TheMaffe is nothing but the formeofdiuine facrifice. did5. By this which hath been faid, itdoth inpart appeare, that the religionofthe 3 .ter- ChurchofRome isrepugnant to it felfe,anditcouldnotfobee, ifit were from. bum 6, the wordofGod. magna. C. Conner timini de teiCerellariegat tieredout ofthe penit.dift.r. formeraifertion. 8 C. quod dicitd.q.r. Aman beingindttedWithnomoregrace than that which hemay obtains 6Ctlumi- ° nofa;r s.q. by the religionofthe Church ofRome,isOdin theRate ofdamnation. 25.