Perkins - BX9315 P465 1597

J.rvrd V/ u..{'Iir.N iL3 A.DIALOGVE C ONTAINING THE CONFLICTS betweene Saban andthe Chriftian. Sarhan. Vile helhound, thou art my flaue, andmy vaffall, why then fhakeft thou offmyyoke? Chriftia.t. Bynature Iwas thyvaffall, but Chrifl bath redeemedme. Sathan. Chrift redeemeth no reprobates filch as thou att. Chrij$ian. I amno reprobate. S.wham. Thou art a reprobate,for thou (halt bee condemned. Chri lian. Lucifer, topronounce damnation, belongeth toGodalone: thou artno fudge, it isfùfficient for thee to be an accufer. Sat/ma'. Though I cánot códemne thee,yetIknowGodwil códemne thee, Chriftian. Yeabut GODwill not condetnnemee. Sathan. Gotoo let vs trie the matter. Is not God aLord and aKing ouer thee? and may henottherefore glue theea law,to keepe, andpunifh theewith hell fire, if thoubreake it? Chriftiar. Yes. .Sathan. Andhaft thou kept the laveofthis thyLordandKing? C'hrfian. No. Satban. Let vs proceed further: Is not the fame Lordealío a anon righte- ous judge? And therefore a molt fharpe rcuenger offinne? Chrijtian. Yes truely. Satlrar. Why thenwiltthouflatter thy feife thou hypocrite : God cannot winke at thy finnes,except heefhould bee vniu(t.Wherefore there is no retne. die, thou art lure tobe damned : hell was prouidedfor thee, andnow it gapcth to deuoure thee. Chri/tian. There is remedie enough to deliuer me from condemnation. ForGOD is not onely (as thouafiirmeft) aLord anda fudge, but alío a fa- uing,and a tnoft merciful Father. Sathew. But thou firebrand ofhelfire,and childeofperdition,lookc for no mercie at Gods hands, becaufe thou art a in oft grieuousfinner : for, z Originali finrunneth wholly ouer thee, as alothforte botchor leprofie. 2, Thy mindeknowethnot the things that beeofGod. 3 In thelawofGod thou art harkeblind, fauing thatthou haft a fevvprinci- ples ofit tomake thee inexcufable. 4 The Gofpell is foolifhnes and madnes unto thee: thou makeft nobetter accountofit than ofthine owne dreame. 5 Thy conscience is corrupt, becaufe it fiattereth thee,ani excufeth thy fin, H 3 7 Thy