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Vert, 14. 44/) Expofstionofthe 27. Pf4lrne. 237 Secondly, waiting onGod is a workoffaith, 1f. 28.16. Theferatsd andafcribes unto God the honour of theblefiingwe wait Regan. for: when as refillingto waft on God bewraies an evil heart ofunbelief : as a, Kings C.33. WhereforeAmid iwait on the Lordany loner T Thirdly, bywaiting on Goad we are furely intiticd to fingular benefits, L IM. 3.25. The Lord is rood unto there Reafan. that rvaitfor him. See this his goodneffe in fundry particular blefiìngs. Firf}, they (hail inherit the earth, that is, every good and comfortable blefïìng in this world, Pfalm 37. 9. Secondly, God will fave them from their enemies,Prov.2o. 22. Thirdly, heheareth their cry and prayer, Val. 40. r. Fourthly, they (hall never be afhamed, Pfal. 25. 3. If. 49. 23. Fifthly, they fhall renew their fl;rength, If. 40. 3r. Sixtly, God prepareth for them bleffings fpirituall in Chril}, which furpaí1e the conceit and reach of man, If 64. 4. This ferves for inffruCiion, and for admonition. For inf}rudion,it may well informe us toconceive,what Thelife for is like tobe our eftate in thisworld, in regard of troubles : rnflru& on* namely, feeing we mu(i wait upon God for deliverance from them, it feems he would have us to refolve, they may beour portion, here on earth. Whenan earthly King en- joynsall his fubjec`fs to prepare arms, and be in readinefíe, they will eafily conceive they fhall have warres. And thus deales the Lordwith his children, hebids themwait upon him, for deliverance from troubles, when they come. Now patient waiting is the as ofhope in God for his help:which isone part ofdefenfive armour in timeoftrouble : as Luke 1, 19. by your patience pofïeffeyour foules, Eph. 6. 15. And your feet fhodwith the preparation of the gofpell of peace: which needed not but for afl7ic ions,which are plain- ly foretold, ?ohn 16. 33. Acts 14.22.2 Tim. 2.I 2. and pre- paration for them enjoyned.Luke 14.26,27.amplìfied there by two refemblances. verfe 28. &c. For admonition, it ferves effeanally to ftirre up every The life for godlyman,tomake fure hebe endued. with.thofe graces,and admonition. T 2 give