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doExpofitienof the 27. Pfalme. Verf.14. givehimfelfto that behaviour, whichmay enable himwith patience towait on the Lord, in the time ofaffliftion. E- very good husband is provident in furnmer to make provift- on for winter : and mall not ChrifUans be wife for their The way to foules in the like ? The fore way to Chriffian patience is Chriftian pa- this. tike, Firft,tobreak offthe courfe ofevery fin by true repentance, for the guilt offinne takes away peace of confcience, unleffe it be feared : and they, that are in that eftate and cafe, are like the troubled Sea, when it cannot ref}, whofe waters caft out mire and dirt, If. 57. 20. who can rightly wait on God for nothing, but judgements : for while they go on in finne, they have no title to mercy, and therefore it is faid the hope of the ungodlyfhallperifh,Prov.1 o.28.it fhal be like thegiving upofthe ghoft, ?ob I I. 20. but if they repent,putting iniquity farre away,as lob I i . é 4.then there is hope. vent 18. Secondly, they mull believe in God through Chrift:for thus they are juflified and have peace with God, Rom. I and this faith is the groundofthings hoped for, Heb. i I.I. and when it is tryed in affliarion it bringeth forthpatience, Tam. 1.3. the perfeft work whereof is this waitingonGod hereenjoyned. Thirdly, they mull fear God, by remembring his hand and providence in thefe evills that lye upon them : for a fparrow lights not on the ground without his will, ciWar. a o. 29. This will check and fuppreffe both repining and grudging towards God, as Luke 23. 34.49. and envy,and defire of revenge againft men,and give us hope of a comfor- table end. Prov. 23. 17,18. Let not thine heart envy firmer!, but be thou in the fearoftheLordall the day long : for fure- ly there is an end, and thine expectation fhall not bee cut of. Fourthly, they mull walk in obedience,Pfal.37,34. wait on the Lord, andkeep his way, andheJhall exalt thee to inhe- rit the earth. Beofgoodcotiraga The fecund duty, whereunto Da- vid