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Vcrf. 2. An Expoftionefthe 27. Pfalme. chofenyouout ofthe world, therefore the World hatethiyou ofd John 16. 3 3. In the worldy emall have tribulation. This ferves for inftruc ion, admonition, andcomfort. , For inftruc`tion, it fhewes plainly, what the godly :xnuf The de for expea, and look for in this world, at thehands of wicked in11m ìon. men, namely,all bitter oppofìtion and enmitie that may be: as Chrift Jefus toldhis Difciples , ye /ball be hatedofall na- tionsforma namesfake: and therefore tels them , that he fent them forth as Cheep into the midft of Wolves.'c4'Tat. I o. 16. Which thing David had found long before, and thereupon complains ; My f oul u- among lions , andIlyea- monp t the children of men , that arefet onfire , whole teeth are»mares and arrowes, and their tongue aTharpfword, Pfal. 57.4 eAndmine enemies - Workers of iniquitie -- lye in Waitfor myfoul. Pfal. 59. T, 2,.3._ Myfoulhath long dwelt With himthat hat eth peace. Iamfor peace, but When I(leak they arefor Warre. Pfal. i 20. 6, 7. This Paullikewife felt, Ads 20. 23. The holy Ghoft witnef feth in every City , that bonds and affliionsabide me. See 2 Cor. II. 23. Inflripes above meafuce, in prifon more,iequent, indeath oft. Yea, it was the cafe of the refit of theApoftles , as wellas his. I think (faith he) that Godhath fet usforth, the lageApoftles, as it Were appointed to death : For We are made a fpel-tacle unto the world, unto Angels, andtomen, i Cor. 4. 9. For admonition,it ferves two wayes: Firft, to the wic- The fir(l ked, that they confider their eftate in Gods fight , when Ufe for ad- they arefo fpightfuily bent againft thegodly : fureiv, this is monition. that venemous corruption , which they receive from the old ferpent the devill. This Paul accounted the madneffe of his naturali eltate : Acts 26. z 1. And being exceedingly madagainfl them, Iperfecutedthem untofirangecities. Secondly, to the godly, to bebothwife as ferpents, and The fecond harmleflè asdoves : and tobeware ofmen. Alatth. 10.16 üfefor ddtwp- I7. So did David, Ffal. 39. I 2. Iwill keep `my mouth nition. With a bridle, while theWicked is before me. Iwas dumb with filence, Iheldmy peace evenfromgood. For comfort, thismakes greatly to the godly, that their The Ule for C 3 adver- comfort.