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Verf.6. 'An Expofition of the 27. £falme. 5 g The reafons hereofare great , as well in regardofGod, The firft and of himfelf, as alto his brethren. In regardof God. Reafon. finfi,:becatrfe he commands it, Pfal. 1 co. i . and obedience is acceptable, i Sam. 1.5.22. Pfal. 67..30, 3 i.. Secondly, it is for his glory. Pfal. 5C.13. who fooffereth praife,glo- rifiethme. In refpeci of himfelf. Firs , it is pleafant and comely. The fecöng P f al . 33. i . Pisa/. 147. z. Secondly , it is good andprofii- Reafon. ;table : for them that honour God, will he honour : t Sam. 2. 3o. Hence the Samaritan Leper , returning to praifc Chrift for his cleansing, received an affurance ofan heaven- Iv arrd fpirituall cleaning. Luke, ¡7. t 5, 19. Thirdly , the omitting of it is dangerous, to provoke Gods wrath , being at leaf}a íhamefull neglect of Gods mercy. See 2 Chr. 32. 25, 26. In refpeft ofothers,towhomDavidde(ired to do good.: The third Pfel. 34. i I. Pfl. 5r. i3. His zeal for Gods glorywould Reafon. provokemany : as, Pfal. 34. 2, 3 . My foul {hall makeher boaft in the Lord, the humble {hall "hear thereof , and-bee glad : Omagnifie the Lordwith me , and letqus exalt his name together. And, ifhis example could not movethem, yet it would leave themwithout excufe , under thecenfure and punifbment of ingratitude : as yobs friendswere, 706 42.7. For it is a dangerous thing to neglect good exam- ple : as Ter. 22. 15, 16, 17. Did not thy father-eat and drink and do judgement and juf}ice , and then it was well withhim ? But thine eyes and thine heart are not but for thycovetoufnefieTherefore thus faith the Lord,&c. This ferves for inftruc`Iion , reprehenfion, and admo- '3i nition. The inftruftion is, from Davids example , to all Gods The ufe for people,to (hew them fitting behaviour towards God,when inftruaißn. they receive bleffingsand benefits from him ; namely, to be thankful! untoGod, in praifes and fongs,and that withjoy- fulneffe and gladnefhe. For reproof , it makes jullly againfl all thofe, that are The Ife for unthankfullfor Godsblelings, atd liketivife d it and heavie reproof. hearted