Preston - Houston-Packer Collection BX5133.P74 S2 1637

all unrtghteou /neffe and ungodlineffi. is not fo much in G o D's fight, as a finfull tuft that is in the heart, becaufe it is a Spring, and therefore is vertually more than a great Pond : I fay, vertually more, for it dothmore. Take a great vaft fin, it is a broad Pond that vanifhes away as every action loth, but a luft within, is fruitful', it is a fpring of fin, and therefore is in efficacie more. Fourthly, the laft confideration is neare this, and that is, fin in the heart is permanent, the poif on of Corruption remaines, the actions paff es, but the fin- full difpofition continues in a man, that when G o D lookes on him, He fees him as an hateful' perfon,He lookes on him, as wee doe on Toads and Serpents, for his very nature is bad, and that continues, and in this regard exceeds fin in aFion. This I fay that you may make this ufe ofir. When you meet with any particular finne which appeares hainous, let it be as a River to lead you to the Sea. When you fee a fin of covetoufneffe, of vanity, of wrath, ofuncleannefre, let that lead you to the heart, and conclude, that you have an uncleanc heart, a contentious heart, a covet- ous heart,a rebellious heart.This ufe David made of his murder, and upon that occafinn he was brought to conceive aright of Originali fin, which perhaps, he never fa confidered before, Pfal. 5 s .4. In tin hath my mother conceived mee; the greatnefle of his finne made him breake forth in that manner, itgainfi thee have i finned,that amazed him, it made him to know what Originall fin was, whereofthis was but a fruir, and being the fpring it mull needs have more effica- cie. Ifa man finde any pride in his aetions, let him Tooke to his heart, it may be G o D hath left him to fuch's 95' SER. I V. 4 Aftua1l times Ihould lead us to fee original. PCaI s t,1t.