Preston - Houston-Packer Collection BX5133.P74 S2 1637

againfi all unrighteoufneffe of men. negligent, an idle, or unaetive God, for fhould he be fuck a God, bee mull either be dead or afleepe. But God is a living God,and if fo,then the adminftration of the things ofthis world isin His hands,now in that the maine bufineffe is to punifh and refiraine them that be evil!, and to reward them that be good. Againe, if there be a God, He will be feared and worfhipped by men; but if Hee would not punifh men for fin,ifHis wrath could not be kindled againft them, for their provocations of Him, He fhould doe neither good norhurt : and it is natural! to men to contemns that that can neither hurt nor profit them; and fo He fhould not be feared. Againe, ifthere be any God, He mutt needs be de- lighted in goodneffe, He mutt needs have a certaine inclination to that which is holy and right: and if fo, then He mull needs hate that, that is evi11. If He love light, Hemuft needs hate darkneffe, if He loves life, He muft needs hate death; and indeed love of good - neffe proceeds from hatred of evil!, and hatred of evill arifes from love "of goodncfle,,; and if it bec fo, why fhould not hatred be a &ive,as well as love e Therefore, it is certaine there Mall wrath conic a- ping unrighteoufnefJ"e and rrngodlinef e of men. Secondly, what kinde of wrath is this a In this wrath you (hall observe three things: Firfl, there is arreafure ofthis Wrath, Ram.z. 5. Thou according to the hardneffc of thy.heart, that cannot resent, treafHreff up wrath. N r,w in := Tre:, fire y ou Mall finde three things : Fii ft, it is an nape, and there is hill an addition thereto, a man gtowes richer,and r icher,faving ibil. linos 105 SE11.IV. 5 6 a. What this' Wrath is. Three things obiervalalc. z itisa Trea- lure. Roma, p.