Preston - Houston-Packer Collection BX5133.P74 S2 1637

152 SER. VI There is aRevelation of zbrath that is contrary thereto, now let him trie himfelfe. Pilate (the text faith) knew that the Phari fees had de- livered Chrit7 for envy : this he knew,but yet to con- tent the people, fayes one Evangelif , and out of fears of C.efar, layes the other,he delivered him to them. Out of thole tworefpe &s, becaufe he would not part with his love of the people, nor with the good- wilIof cefar,he would part with C H it r s r . Now here is the r`Jll, Suppofe thou efteemeft credit, and appfaule with men, the Truth comes and tells thee thou art to doe a thing that crof- fes this; marke what thou art ready to doe in this cafe; . you (hall fee an inftance in John 12. Verfe 42. There were many among the chiefs Raters which beleeved on C H R I. s r, but for feare ¡crt the Pharifees fhould cart them out of the Synagogue, treydurft not confeffe him, for they loved the pr,aifi of .men more than the pra f of G o D. They beleevcd on him, the Truth did its part, they were 'thereby informed well enough what they. were to doe, but becaufe they loved the praife of men , they refitted this Truth out of love to unrighteoufneffe. So put cafe thy minds be fet upon wealth,and in that thou wilt not be croft, This truth tels thee, thou mutt doe one thing, but it will croffe thee in matter of thy ettate, as the Young -man that had that Triall put on him,Goe and ell-al thatthou haft ,and thou f halt have 2 reafurè in hea. ven : 'Compare thine owne with the Young. mans haviour, he went away forrowfall. Whence we may gather that hee was enlig_htned to fee the truth, e knew it was beß to follow C H rz r s r,the Truth was