Preston - BX9318 P725 1633

6 TheDeilrineofMortí#icatson, minds andaffects nothing but that which iscontrary - to God, it iswhollydifpofed toearthly things ; now Mortification alters and changes the heart, turning it from earthly to heavenly things 5 even as ariver that is ftopt in its ufuall courfe is now turned another way ; foMortification fops thepaffageoffinne in the foule, turning the faculties, theftreame of the foule, another way: thefoulewas earthly difpofed,themind, the will, and affetions were wholly carried after earthly things, but now there is a new difpofition wrought in the foule, the mindc and affetions are wholly fetupon earthly things ; before he was for the world how hee might fatisfie his lufts, but now his heart is for grace, justification, rernifïion of fnnes, and reconciliation. Here then, Peeing Mortification isaflayingoffirne, and thatmanydoe deceive them. feIves in thematterofMortification, whothinke that finne is mortifiedwhen it is nor ; andcontrariwife, o- thers thinkethey havenot mortified finne,thatis,they havenot given a deadly wound unto firne, becaufe they íä1l feele rebellious lulls intheir hearts; there- forefor thebetter explainingofthispoint ofMorti- gcation Iwill propound two Qçfiions : thef}r(t (hall be, for the difcoveringofhypocrites ; and the fecond (hall be, for thecomforting ofweake Chriftians. Qw fta The firft Qaeftionis, Whether (runemay not feeme tobeemortified when it is not mortified, but onely afleepe :' wpnfne To this ianfwer, That finne may feéme tobe nor feernes tobe tifiedwhen it is not, and that in thele particulars : niortited,and Firíi, finnemay feeme tobe mortified when the ()c- isnot. I cation is removed : As thecovetous nunmay not bee fo