Preston - BV824 P73 1631

Thefeconc Sermon thy confcience,forgiuen, and to haue that for giueneffe aifured to thee: be it any thing that concernes thy particular eftate, it it be to be delivered from a potent enemy, or`whatfoever it be,put vp thy requeít,and that largely, open thy mouth wide, that is,make thy requeft fù11, feare it nor, Put the cafe(againe)it be fomewhat.. that doth not concerne thee,but that it concer- neth the Church abroad, or the Church at home, it is a cafe that much concernes anyof thefe in the Church,put ie vp tohim, and put it vp with confidence.. For th; is a marriage day (as it were)it is the time :i he reacheth out his fcepter(as you know t. y things I allude to) and thou maift come - _ his pryence you know, when ftc/ler W's admitted. to the pre fence ofthe King, then faid he what requeft haft thou? when you are admitted to.thefarj. liarity and prefence of the Lord,hee lookes for it, and askes what requeft you haue to put vp to him,: and the promifes are large enough: I ivi/igiue it, rvhatfoever it be, ifyou aske according to my n'ill,andtherefore, do in-this cafeas " ¡es vied to doe,. you fhall finde when cí`1'^fcs drewneereveto the Lord,whenhe was admit- ted intohis prefence, and faw him face to face (for that was the great priviledge círr;jés had) when there was any fpeciall apparition ofthe Lord tohim,l9ofes makes this argument: (faith bee) it is a great mercy that thou wouldeft íhew mee this, that fuch a pooreman as I arn, Mould