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on the Sacrament. 65 femity , then hee fled to it, and therefore you knowwhat fucceffe hee had by ir, it faxednot l ,is life: So wegoenot toprayer for devotion, that is, out ofloue to God, todoe him that fer- vice , but (for the mofi part) weedoe it out of Celfe loue,whé we are inextremity or diftrefí'e, we paffe the acceptable times he requires, and we goe to him in a time ofour owne: For there is Gods time, & there is our owne time, Gods time is to come tohim when we may doe him fervice, in our youth , inour f}rength , in the flower ofour graces: Our time is to goeto him when we need him : Will not a friend fay (whenwee never come tohim, but when wee haue extreeme need of him) why doe you corne now you were not wont to vifit me be- fore this is not out of loue tomee: Even the very fame anfwer the Lord giveth; Goe toyour Molls (faithhee) thole that youferved in the time ofpeace, andfeei f they canhelpe you. The fourth and lafr condition is , That wee referre the time, themanner,the meafureofgran. tingour petitions to the Lord. That is, wemuft not thinke to be our owne carvers, to thinke if it be not granted in fuch a manner, fuch a mea lure, or fuch a time, prefently the Lord hath rejected our petitions; No, he that heleeues makes nohall: That is, he waites vpon God, he frayes himfelfe vponGod, he is content tohaue it in that time, in that manner and meafure, as belt pleafeth theLord: For the truth is, we know K not 4 Cond.