Reynolds - HP BS1450 110th R38 1632

I 2 VERSE I. Voluntx Hu- mana, perverse utenao bonU fit mata : /lie nate mans malts utendo , perma- net &law. Aug. Epajt.izo. Sicut ergo benig- nstate,&pa- tientia, id eft BonuDeimath utuntar,duns nontorriguatur, fi'e contraDeus etia mathseoram bend utitur,non fohim ad juftatiii fmam,quaeis &painfine retrthaet,fed ctiamadcxerci- tat ionem&pro - f ettans fanUo- umfuorum , ut ex ipfa giant rnatorumper- verfttate, boni proficiant,& probentur,& mauifeftentur. Idea, epifi.r4I. b x Tim. 2.20. C Efai. dRoni.9.17. eMatth.1 fi Cora 1.19. g Efa.37.28329, Chrij7s Enemies hisfoct cole. floor: , and the Dagghtzr of Sion Jhall grip and awelh them*it:, homes of iron, gravid) hooves ofbraffe. Then (faith the Church) (hce that a mine enemiesfhallfee it, flamejhallcover her which/aid unto mee, Where 4( the Lordthy God ? Mine eyes behold her; Nowihallfhte bee troden dowse it4 the mire ofthefireetes. Even folet all thine enemies perifh 0 Lord; but let them which love thee bee as theSunne when he goeth forth in his might. Laffly,herinwee may note the great Power and wife- dome ofChriff in turning themalice and mifchiefe ofhis enemies into his owne ufe and advantage; and in fo * or- dering wickedmen that though they intend nothingbut extirpation and mine to his Kingdome , yet they fhall bee ufefull unto him,and, againff their ovule wills,fervi- ceable to thole glorious ends the accomplifbing wherofhee fhall beeadmired by all thole that beleeve. As in a great houfe there is neceffary ufe of veffels of difhonour, , deffinated unto fordid and meane but yet dayly fervices :fo inb the great houfe ofGod,wicked men are his utenfils and houfbold infiruments,as footflooles, and flaves,andveffels wherin there is nopleafure,though ofthem there may bee goodufe. The c Affyrianwas the Rod ofhis anger , his axe wherwith heepruned , and his Sawwherwith hee threatned his people. 1) baroah was a veffell fitted to fhew the gloryand power ofhis name. c It is neceffary , faith our Savior that offences come,and there fmuff bee herefies,faith the Apoflle.Be- caufeas a skilfull Phyfitian ordereth poyfonfull andde- firuaive ingredients unto ufefull feivices : So the Lord by his wifedome lothmake ufe ofwicked mensperfons and purpofes to hisowne moll righteous and vvonderfull ends, g fecretly and mightily direeling their wicked de- fignes, to the magnifying ofhis owne power and provi- dence and to the furthering ofhis people in faith and godlineffe. VERSE