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Chrifi how a Lord. 111 'VERSE Angels all the Angels of God were his fubjeets to , I '7 worfilip him, andhis Minitlers to waite uponhim,He6. 2.7.9: bleb. T.4.6.7. So then the pronoune Mine, leads us to the Confideration ofChrilliConfanguinity with David, as he was his Sonne : and of hisDignity above David, as bee was his Lord. From hence wee !carne, That though Chrifl was Man, yet hee was more thana bare man. For jure 04_ tssra no Saone is Lord to hisFather ; Dominationdoth never afcend. There mull be fomething above nature in him to make him his Fathers Soveraigne, asour Savior himfelfe argueth from thefe words, Matth.22.42,45 Chrill then is a Lord to his people ; he had Dominion, andwas the falvationofh is owne fore-fathers. A Lord.] Firfl, By right ofthe Creation. For hee is before all things, and by him all things confill , Col.i. 17. which the Apolllemakes theargument ofhii Sove- raignitie. To us there is but one Lord leftesChrift , by whom are all thingsand wee by him, i Cor.8.6. Secondly, By a right ofSonfhipand Primogeniture,as the chicle, the firfi borne,the Heire ofall things. Hce is not in the Houfe as Moles was, a Servant, but a Sonne over his owneHoule, Heb.3.5,6 . That is,hee was not a Servant but Lord in the Church, as the Apotile elsewhere givesus the fame dittinaion. We preach Chrifl leitts the Lord, andourfelvesServants, 2 Cor .4.5. Far in the Scripture phrafe the firtl bornenotes Principality, Excellencie,andDominion. I will make hiinfaith God, myfirfl borne, higher than theKings oftheearth , Pfal. 89.27. So in lob, The firmborne-of death is the fame with the King of terrors, Job 18. 1 3,14. and tb the Apofile faith, That the Heire is the Lordofall, Gal. 4.t.and therefore from his a primogeniture,and defigna- Eton to the inheritanceofall things,he inferreth his pree- minence, and honor even above the Angels, Col.1.18. Heb.I.2.4. C Thirdly, acbrifita vaca- tur Trimogeni tits (mints crea- turie,hacefl,Do- minws.Schindler in vece"ixl. Sole! infcriptu- ris ErtmOgent- tiivocari good cunqueinfo grnere exccilens atquelammurn eft -Ego PI i mogenitiiin con- itnameum,boc di, minim in modtimexaltabo &glorificabo Cum. Glof ie .0p04.9000214 04cl:cc, Claf.8. AppcilPag- 30s.