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74- VERSE I. Evidencesofour true love to Chilli. AreMe.1........m.111 fvverable to the growth ofourlove to Chria. Secondly, a true grounded love unto Chrift will Thew it felfe in the right manner or conditionsof it.Which are principally thele three : Fira, it mua bee an incorrupt andfincere love. grace bee upon all thole that love the Lord repo 464,274,in incorruptionorfincerity, faith the Apoale, Eph.6.24. that is, on thole who love not in wordor outward profeflion and aipulation oncly, but in deed and truth,or in the permanent contlitution ofthe inner man;which moveth them to love himalwayes and in all things to hate every felfe way , to let the whole heart, the Elt:clie, purpofe, prayer and all the aaivity of our Spirits againa everycorruption inus which flandeth at enmity with him and his Kingdotne. Secondly, it mull be a principall and fiiperlative love,grounded upon the experience of the foule in it tale, that there is ten thoufand times more beautie and amiableneffe in him, than in all the honours, pleafures, profits, fatisfaaions ve hich the world can afford; that incornparifon or com- petition with him, the dearea things of this world,, the parents ofour body,the children ofour flefh,the wife of our bofome, the blood in our veines 3 the heart in our brea,muanot onelybe laid downeand loll asfacrifices, but hated asfnareswhen they draw us away from him. Thirdly, it mull bee an unfhared and uncommunicable love, without any corrivals ; for Chrill as he is unto us all hi all, fo he requireth tohave all our affeaions fixed upon him: As theriling of the Sunnc drovvneth all thole innumerable Starres which did Thine in the firmament before ; fo mull the beautyof this Sunne of righteouf- neffe blot out, or elle gather together unto it felfe all thole fcatteredaffe&ionsofthe toule, which were be- fore call awayupon meaner obje6ls. Lay, true loveunto Chriawill thew it Celle in the naturall and genuine effe6ts of fo (+tong and fpirituall a grace: Tome of the principall I before named,unto which we