Rutherford - HP BS2575 .4 R975 1743

SERM. 12. Triumph of Fait~ 103 glorified deftre the Church to be dehvered, but they , are all nothing to' .'feJus Chri{t ; there is mo~e in a Piece ofa Corner of ChriWs Heart (to f peak io)than in MilliQnS ofWor1ds of Angels and created Comforts, when the Conkience bath gotten a Back-throw with the Hand of the Almighty. 24. 'But he anfwered and.faid, I am not fent .,. but for !be lof! Sheep ofth_e Houfe of IjraeJ, _ In th1s Aniwer two Thmgs are to be obierved, 1. The· Temptation coming from Chrift, denying ·he had any thmg to do with this Woman, I am not jent for her. z. The Matter of the Temptation, containing Chrift's, r. Sending. 2. To w~om, 'IO the Houfl of jfraet. 3· Under what Nouon, The Sl5eep of the Houfe of J(rdet. 4· \Yhat fort ofSheep, The lo(l; Sheep. In the Temptation confider, 1. Who tempt.eth. z. The Nature of the Temptation; for the former, 'tis Chrifr who tempteth. Hence thefe Pofttions, . , 1. Pof. God tempteth no Man to fin, .'fam. r. 1 3· Let no Man Jay when he is tempted, I am tempted of God, for God cannot be tempted, neither tempteth he any. v. 14. 'But every Man is ·tempted ".Vhen he is clra"cRJn away of his own Lufl :. God \ doth try rather than tempt.' I. God cannot command Sin. z. He cannot aeluate the crooked Faculties to ftn, as he that fpurreth a Horfe putteth the Rode o aEl:ual Motion : But the diilocated Leg of the H.orfe putteth in ,Atl: the halting Power o.( the Horie. 3· He cannot infufe ftnful Habits, which are as Weights of Iron and Lead, to incline the ·soul to Sin. 4: He cannot a-pprove Sin. Satan never tempteth but upon praCtical Knowledge, either that the ~heels may run down _the Mount, as he tempt~d Bve 1 and,upon that falie Perfwafion tempted Chnft G 4 · to