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Th~ TABLE. 5· ~~·ovidence in ~ts Concaten~tion of Degrees, Ac· !Ions, Events, Is one c<>!ltlnued Contexture, go. mg along from the Creauon to the Day ofCbrii's fecond C:o.m~ng, wit~out one _b:ok.en ~hread 90 6. The Spmt Is to be m an lnlihfMrency m all Cafts of Providence 9 1 1 . i . Law Defires beft , ib. 8. We are to ly uhd€r Providence fubmiffively in ~1 ~ 9· Providence is~ Myfiery ib. I.e . Walketh in,UnccrtrG.inties toward us ib. · I I. Silence is better than difputing 9i I 2. It is good to confider both what is inflicted. and by whom , ib. 13 God a} ways afcendeth, even when fetond Caufes defcendeth . , SE R M 0 N XI. Every Temptation hatb its taking Power from tl1e . :teeming Goodnefs in it . . 9 3 Reafons why this was a Temptation to the Woman 94 The Scope of the Temptation to make the Tempted believe there is none like him ' 9 5 The Non-anfwering ofChrift, is an Anfwerin~ ih. Five Reafons of the Lord's not hearing of Prayer 96 ~even W ,ays Prayers are anfwercd 97 Praying in Faith always heard, even y;hen the Particular which we fuit in Prayct· is demed i~. Faith in one and the fame Prayer, feeketh and knocketh. and anfwereth, and openeth to irfelf 98 The Light of faving Faith, and the prophe_ti~al Lig~t of the Pen-men of the Word of God, d1fter not lit Specie and Nature 99 '1 'he Dcarefl not admitted u~to God at the firft Knock ib. ; SERMON X. N•ttal·al Men, ~nd cv;n the Rem•wea in Spirit, in fo' far