Rutherford - HP BS2575 .4 R975 1743

'fhe TABLE. far as there rmo~aineth fome Flt!-fu in them, are lgno.. rant of tsc Myfiery 4!)f aa affiicred Spirit - 100 Peace of Confcience is a Work of Cr..eation 10 I 'A Reafon why it is ili harQ to oonvince the Deferred ' IOZ Chrifr fwceter to the DeferreJ than all the W odd ib. Difference between God's Trying, and the Creature's Temptmg, in three Pofit~ons \ 103 A. Creature caonor pur a Fellow-creature to act Sin upon an Intention of trying him ib. In the Actions of Creatures we muft know, ~- ~i;. z. 5J.!!.:'d. 3. ~uare. t . Ulh~ co?mn_andfth .z. What. ; ; .And jor what Ehd? In God s Athons : It Is enough to know, ~is, Who, that is ']ehovah 104, 105 Four Doubts of the Tempted ' Iofi In the fi:lnding of Chrifl to the lofl Sheep of the Houfe of Ifrael, there be three Things confiderable: I. His Defignation. f-.- Qualification. 3· Commiffion 108 The Son moi fit to be .Mediator ib. &: 109 . l"low Owiff is qualified £b. His CommHlion ib. It is nor pr9perly Grace that we al'e born, it is Grace thar Chrift is bom ib. God'~ hidden Decree, and his revealed Will opened . Ill A twof~ld Intention in the' Pcomifes /b. How, and who are te> believe the Decree: of Reprobation concerning themfelve.s , · 111. SE R M 0 N XIII.' It is a Priviledge of Mercy that Chrt'ft is fent to the ']e~s £rfr . 1~2 N1ne Privileges of too J~lTJs • 1 loO"' The Hononr and Privileges. of BPitaz"u ll~ 'rhct Redeemed called Sheep upc;m Fo~Jr Grou~ds I 1.5 H <?w r~ffive th~ Rtdeemed are m the Way ro Heaven, 111 li1ve Pamcu £b. :f ' The